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Closed 1.0.0 1.2.0

I'm reaching out to you to let you know that there is numerous issues with this plug in Upon putting in in our server, all of the AI on cargo are almost invincible. Take numerous M249s to kill The ship also makes a severely loud banging noise, which is Being caused by the hackable crate We know this because we removed it and replaced it with a bradley crate Out of curiosity, was this plugin not tested? By the developer or the website? Anyway, hope it gets addressed soon It seems like a cool idea just was not ready for sale.

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The issue with NPCs on cargo and the tugboat being invincible is caused by facepunch trying to fix tugboat exploits. You will have to wait for an update from them to fix this issue.

Regarding the issue with the crate, I am unable to reproduce it. Does the crate only make noises or does it also move?

And btw this plugin has been tested extensively before release

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