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Not moving after update

Closed 2.1.6

Chris Jackson

Posted (edited)

Bots spawn and show up as intended but for some reason they're not moving or "Roaming" anymore, anyone else having this issue? Tips/Tricks?  


Thanks in advance. 


Edit: To clarify this is for a custom profile.

Edited by Chris Jackson
  • Administrator



You can find out pretty easily if it's a BotSpawn issue or an obstacles/terrain issue.
Go to where one of these static npcs is, look at the ground, and do spawn scientist in f1 console.

If that new scientist also doesn't move, there's something about that location that's stopping them.

Chris Jackson

Posted (edited)

4 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:


You can find out pretty easily if it's a BotSpawn issue or an obstacles/terrain issue.
Go to where one of these static npcs is, look at the ground, and do spawn scientist in f1 console.

If that new scientist also doesn't move, there's something about that location that's stopping them.

Thanks Steenamaroo, I have tried this and they don't move.  I also have a ZombieHorde plugin and they move as well.  I've also tried spawning the bots in different areas and still no dice.  They will attack if you get within arms range of them but they wont walk/follow/move otherwise.

Edited by Chris Jackson
  • Administrator


Did they previously work fine on the same map?

Chris Jackson


2 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

Did they previously work fine on the same map?


We change maps each wipe (rust update) but yes, they did work previously.

  • Administrator


"Thanks Steenamaroo, I have tried this and they don't move."
If regular scientists aren't moving then it's likely to be something about the map/terrain and not something BotSpawn's doing.
Not really sure how to help, other than to suggest trying lots of different areas around the map.

Chris Jackson


34 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

"Thanks Steenamaroo, I have tried this and they don't move."
If regular scientists aren't moving then it's likely to be something about the map/terrain and not something BotSpawn's doing.
Not really sure how to help, other than to suggest trying lots of different areas around the map.

I apologize, I misspoke.  Regular Rust NPC's work perfectly fine.  Additionally a plugin through another platform called Zombie Horde also works fine.  Only those bots spawned through BotSpawn are not walking and/or roaming.  But Botspawn NPC's are reactive, just stationary (aka not completely frozen lol).

  • Administrator


I see. Ok.
Are you using custom spawn points? If so, is Stationary set to true?

Chris Jackson


No, it is set to false.  


here is a snippet: 

    "dome": {
      "AutoSpawn": false,
      "Murderer": true,
      "Respawn_Timer": 3600,
      "BotNames": [
        "a Zombie"
      "BotNamePrefix": "",
      "Keep_Default_Loadout": true,
      "Kit": [
      "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 100,
      "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 100,
      "Radius": 60,
      "Roam_Range": 30,
      "Chute": false,
      "Stationary": false,
      "UseCustomSpawns": false,
      "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": false,
      "Announce_Spawn": false,
      "Announcement_Text": "",
      "BotHealth": 130,
      "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 70,
      "Bot_Damage_Percent": 50,
      "Aggro_Range": 30,
      "DeAggro_Range": 40,
      "Peace_Keeper": false,
      "Peace_Keeper_Cool_Down": 5,
      "Attacks_Other_Profiles": false,
      "Suicide_Timer": 35000,
      "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": false,
      "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [],
      "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 0,
      "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 20,
      "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 50,
      "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 50,
      "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 50,
      "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 100,
      "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 3,
      "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "",
      "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 600,
      "Disable_Radio": false,
      "Running_Speed_Boost": 0,
      "AlwaysUseLights": false,
      "Corpse_Duration": 200,
      "Location": {
        "x": 171.62265,
        "y": 23.7498589,
        "z": -156.141235
      "ServerRewardsValue": 0,
      "Parent_Monument": ""


  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Try them with no kit. If they move around just fine without the kits then double check kit contents and make sure there's nothing unusual in the belt.
It should have regular bullet weapons and/or melee weapons only.

Edited by Steenamaroo
Chris Jackson

Posted (edited)

5 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

Try them with no kit. If they move around just fine without the kits then double check kit contents and make sure there's nothing unusual in the belt.
It should have regular bullet weapons and/or melee weapons only.

Ok just removed the kits and left them as Murderers no change.  Changed murderer to false and spawned as scientist and still no change.

Edited by Chris Jackson
  • Administrator


I tested with your snippet without issue.
Just noticing you're asking for 100 of them in that profile, though.
If your other profiles are like that you've probably just overloaded the server.

I'd reduce the numbers and test - Maybe disable all profiles except that one testing profile, with only a few npcs.
If that works, you've just gone too far.

Chris Jackson


12 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

I tested with your snippet without issue.
Just noticing you're asking for 100 of them in that profile, though.
If your other profiles are like that you've probably just overloaded the server.

I'd reduce the numbers and test - Maybe disable all profiles except that one testing profile, with only a few npcs.
If that works, you've just gone too far.

Okay thank you - I will try that.

Chris Jackson


1 hour ago, Steenamaroo said:

I tested with your snippet without issue.
Just noticing you're asking for 100 of them in that profile, though.
If your other profiles are like that you've probably just overloaded the server.

I'd reduce the numbers and test - Maybe disable all profiles except that one testing profile, with only a few npcs.
If that works, you've just gone too far.

I've tried to reduce it down to even 1, same deal.  I've done profiles of 150 before without any issues in the past.  I've unloaded the other NPC related script to make sure there was not any conflicts and didn't have any change 😕

  • Administrator


Not really sure what else to suggest.
Is your map publicly available for free? If so I could fire it up and test exactly as you are.

if not perhaps the creator would agree to let me test it?

Chris Jackson




First of all +1 for all your help.  But now I apologize, I'm an idiot and wasted your time.  When I said I unloaded the ZombieHorde script to see if that was causing an issue, I evidently did not.  I found there was a setting in that plugin that was causing the issue.  

    "Disable NPC dormant system. This will allow NPCs to move all the time, but at a cost to performance": false,

the above had got set to true in an update, causing the confliction.  There was no error in your script, just a conflict with another 🙂

  • Like 1
  • Administrator


Thanks for reporting back.
Glad you found the problem. 🙂

  • Administrator


Changed Status from Pending to Closed



holy crap! This just solved my issue as well!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol except in the new ZombieHorde json, it's worded the opposite: "Enable NPC dormant system. This will put NPCs to sleep when no players are nearby to improve performance". I was wondering why the hell they're always just standing around. lmao thanks a ton, both of ya! 😄



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