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Strange huge TC resource amount

Closed 2.7.2



Hey there -- first of all thanks man, you're a stud and do great work.


Now -- since I've purchased some bases from MrTrixy (or whatever, you know, trying to save time) I went through and edited some loot tables for Easy. For his bases specifically, the TC's are filled with exuberant amounts of resources (upwards of a million and a half) and I have no idea how, or where the amounts being pulled from.

I have duplicate items set to false as a random bit of info.

In \data\raidablebases\difficulty_loot\easy "stones" is set to 20,000 amount, and 10000 amountmin
In \data\raidablebases\base_loot\easy bases "stone" is not present / defined
I don't understand how upwards of a mil and a half can even take place haha



p.s. my desired end goal is just to have his "sort of" bases (random twig on them, which aren't expressed until -after- you buy the package......) not spawn loot, and to use my loot


Posted (edited)

heya thanks!

this is because he did not empty the loot from his copypaste files. you can use Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot which is in the profiles, oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/

some of his bases were not copied properly either and will spawn at the wrong height. either floating or too far under the map. you will need to recopy any of them that you find.



Edited by nivex


Awesome, that's right where I have my json open at, just wanted to confirm that's where I'm going!

And I'm not sure I'm following what you mean not copied incorrectly -- on my part or his? He expressed in an included notepad / text that it may be required to change the structure resource type to stone (or whatever buyers want) in the config.

Thanks btw




on his part. some bases do not paste properly and are either too far above or under the ground. I mention this so that when you see this happen that you understand it's an issue with the base and not the plugin=)




Oh I don't think it's a problem on your part 😉


Is there a way to automatically make the twig on these at least wood? I don't think this is an issue of topology, this is the author I think.



ya you can use Change Building Material Tier To found in the profiles which will set the entire building to that grade.

this can happen if CopyPaste is not updated. where the base can partially be twig, all twig or perfectly normal. you'll want to make sure you update to 4.1.37 or higher regardless

can of course happen if its an issue with the base too




You rock dude, I was hoping it could be only the twig like I showed to wood, not the whole base. But I do understand that seems a bit extreme.

Have a great one!



you could change it in the copypaste file, or recopy it. it would be easier =p


just search for "grade": 1, and change it to "grade": 0,



Sorry for harassing you so much here lately --

I'm not seeing any resources from the "Difficulty_Loot\Easy spawning in TC (i have default set to spawn in cupboard)

If you'd prefer to quickly chat my discord: https://discord.gg/aJAEsZCfeW

Either way, thanks in advance



And so far, it seems only/ mostly with that individuals bases?



no worries.

items are not guaranteed to spawn from the Difficulty Loot tables. that table is meant to be random

Always Spawn Base Loot Table is in the profiles, and will spawn all items from your Base Loot table. move the resources that you want to spawn from the Difficulty Loot table into the Base Loot table. don't put all of the items there. the majority should stay in the Difficulty Loot file.

if Move Resources Into Tool Cupboard is enabled then resources will be put in the TC so long as Resources Not Moved To Cupboards does not block it.

I generally don't join other peoples discord. sorry.



I have always spawn base loot table to true

and the spawn value is at 1 (which if I'm not mistaken is 100%)
but yet the last 5 easy bases (that I've looked at, then destroyed, non has had metal frags)

Am I just -really- unlucky?

(and I get it, discord = noise, and randos = awkward / pestery)
(coming from I.T. support I get that -users- can be a pain 😉 )


Posted (edited)

you need to put the items in the Base Loot file in order for them to always spawn and remove them from the Difficulty Loot file

the Base Loot files must have the same name as their Profile btw, or they will not spawn

Base Loot\Easy Bases.json must exist as Profiles\Easy Bases.json also

Edited by nivex


Okay, I've seen your name around so I'll assume you know exactly what you're talking about 😜

That said -- why does the Difficulty Loot options exist then?
From the files I have, the difficulty loot has (what seems to be) every item with 0 - (x) amount of items to spawn, where-as the "Base Loot" only has a select few.
Is it intended that I copy paste all the items -from- the "difficulty loot" into the base loot / their respective difficulty?

I appreciate all your help btw, it's helping me -really- understand why what happens. Order of priority, and core reasoning is what's helping me put 1 and 1 together (since I didn't write the code obvi)



Base Loot should have the few items you want to always spawn, and Difficulty Loot should have everything else that randomly spawns

Base Loot serves to exist per profile, while Difficulty Loot serves to exist per difficulty. it has two purposes, either to always spawn, or to spawn specific items for specific profiles

So you can have any number profiles for Easy and each of them can have their own Base Loot file

you could also make a second Nightmare profile called "Nightmare Bases 2.json" and put even more difficult bases in this profile while increasing the amount of rewards in the Base Loot file, or by changing the Loot Amount Multiplier if you want everything increased. especially useful for a handful of bases that especially difficult and time consuming to raid. just don't go too overboard with this. if it takes too long to raid and isn't worth enough in return then players will avoid these bases.



Last question, and then I think I got it -- good lord you're patient haha, thank you..

If I have loot in both Base Loot, and Difficulty loot, is there a potential for loot to double spawn?
I'm assuming this is the concept where I place what I want to always spawn into the Base Loot, and then the setting for the wanted loot set to 0 for amount in Difficulty Loot?



yes, it would double spawn

yes, you would set it to 0 in the Difficulty Loot



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