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Online Players HUD doesn't update

Closed 1.1.5 1.1.6

Been getting reports from players that sometimes their online players hud doesn't update sometimes. I've noticed this as well, but I thought it was because I was in spectate mode. This is my current config:

  "Hide Admins": false,
  "Show Online Player Count": true,
  "Show Sleeper Count": true,
  "Show Player Avatars (requires ImageLibrary and Store player avatars = true)": true,
  "Show KillRecords Icon (Requires Kill Records Plugin)": false,
  "Show XPerience Icon (Requires XPerience Plugin)": false,
  "Show XPerience Rank Sig (Requires XPerience Plugin)": false,
  "Show TPR Icon (Requires NTeleportation Plugin and tpr permission)": false,
  "Show Discord Report Icon (Requires DiscordReport Plugin)": false,
  "UI Location (distance from left 0 - 0.80)": 0.05,
  "UI Location (distance from bottom 0.45 - 1.0)": 0.75,
  "Chat Command (Online Players)": "players",
  "Chat Command (Sleepers)": "sleepers",
  "Show Online HUD": true,
  "HUD Location From Left": 0.01,
  "HUD Location From Bottom": 0.60,
  "HUD Width": 0.17,
  "HUD Height": 0.2,
  "Max Players On HUD": 33,
  "HUD Transparency 0.0 - 1.0": 0.01,
  "HUD Refresh Rate": 60.0,
  "HUD Font Size": 10


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