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Support Spain I leave you the code

Pending 1.6.9


Posted (edited)

Hello I have taken the trouble to translate your plugin to another language if you are so kind could you please add it thank you


#region lang
          protected override void LoadDefaultMessages()
             var ru = new Dictionary<string, string>();
             foreach (var rus in new Dictionary<string, string>()
                 ["NOPERMUSE"] = "У вас нет прав на использование команды!",
                 ["NEEDMORESCRAP"] = "Не достаточно скрапа в инвентаре!",
                 ["NEEDMOREMONEY"] = "Не достаточно средств на счету.",
                 ["LABLEMENUTEXT"] = "МЕНЮ СКИНОВ",
                 ["INFOCLICKSKIN"] = "Нажмите на предмет,\nна который нужно установить скин",
                 ["FAVSKINSLABLE"] = "ИЗБРАННЫЕ СКИНЫ",
                 ["SKINNOTFOUND"] = "Скины на этот предмет не найдены"
             }) ru.Add(rus.Key, rus.Value);
             var en = new Dictionary<string, string>();
             foreach (var ens in new Dictionary<string, string>()
                 ["NOPERMUSE"] = "You don't have the rights to use the command!",
                 ["NEEDMORESCRAP"] = "Not enough scrap in the inventory!",
                 ["NEEDMOREMONEY"] = "Insufficient funds in the account.",
                 ["LABLEMENUTEXT"] = "SKIN MENU",
                 ["INFOCLICKSKIN"] = "Click on the item\nyou want to install the skin on",
                 ["FAVSKINSLABLE"] = "FAVOURITE SKINS",
                 ["ADAPTINTERFACELABLE"] = "ADAPT\n<size=10>THE SIZE OF THE SKINS INTERFACE</size>",
                 ["ENTITYNOTFOUND"] = "Entity not found",
                 ["SKINNOTFOUND"] = "Skins not found for this item"
             }) en.Add(ens.Key, ens.Value);
             var es = new Dictionary<string, string>();
             foreach (var ess in new Dictionary<string, string>()
                    ["NOPERMUSE"] = "¡No tienes los permisos para usar el comando!",
                    ["NEEDMORESCRAP"] = "¡No hay suficiente chatarra en el inventario!",
                    ["NEEDMOREMONEY"] = "Fondos insuficientes en la cuenta.",
                    ["LABLEMENUTEXT"] = "MENÚ DE SKINS",
                    ["INFOCLICKSKIN"] = "Haz clic en el elemento\nen el que deseas instalar la skin",
                    ["FAVSKINSLABLE"] = "SKINS FAVORITAS",
                    ["ADAPTINTERFACELABLE"] = "ADAPTAR\n<size=10>TAMAÑO DE LA INTERFAZ DE SKINS</size>",
                    ["ENTITYNOTFOUND"] = "Entidad no encontrada",
                    ["SKINNOTFOUND"] = "No se encontraron skins para este elemento"
             }) es.Add(ess.Key, ess.Value);
             lang.RegisterMessages(ru, this, "ru");
             lang.RegisterMessages(en, this, "en");
             lang.RegisterMessages(es, this, "es");


Edited by skythirix


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