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problem with the translations

Closed 1.2.25 1.2.26

Hello there is a problem with the translations of the categories.

For items it works fine, but for categories it doesn't.
When I put a translation for a category, the category is deleted when I open the shop.

I reset the configuration file to zero, to do a test, and the problem persists.

Edited by Gbutome

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                "Position": -1
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          "Title": "",
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            "Plugin Name": null,
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            "shop.vip3": 15
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          "Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
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              "en": "T-Shirt HGF"
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            "Enabled": false,
            "Contents": [
                "ShortName": "",
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                "Position": -1
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          "Title": "",
          "Description": "Une Casquette spécial design HGF",
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          "Kit": null,
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            "Plugin Name": null,
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              "fr": "Casquette HGF"
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          "Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
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              "en": "Pants HGF",
              "fr": "Pantalon HGF"
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          "Title": "",
          "Description": "",
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          "Kit": null,
          "Plugin": {
            "Hook": null,
            "Plugin Name": null,
            "Amount": 0
          "DisplayName (empty - default)": "Hoodie HGF",
          "ShortName": "hoodie",
          "Skin": 2924200562,
          "Is Blueprint": false,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Enable item buying?": true,
          "Price": 100.0,
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          "Sell Price": 17.5,
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            "shop.default": 0.0,
            "shop.vip": 0.0
          "Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
          "Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
            "shop.default": 0.0,
            "shop.vip": 0.0
          "Discount (%)": {
            "shop.default": 0,
            "shop.vip1": 5,
            "shop.vip2": 10,
            "shop.vip3": 15
          "Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
            "shop.default": 0,
            "shop.vip": 0
          "Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
            "shop.default": 0,
            "shop.vip": 0
          "Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {},
          "Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {},
          "Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
          "Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
          "Force Buy": false,
          "Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
          "Localization": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Text (language - text)": {
              "en": "Hoodie HGF",
              "fr": "Sweatshirt HGF"
          "Content": {
            "Enabled": false,
            "Contents": [
                "ShortName": "",
                "Condition": 100.0,
                "Amount": 1,
                "Position": -1
          "Weapon": {
            "Enabled": false,
            "Ammo Type": "",
            "Ammo Amount": 1
      "Localization": {
        "Enabled": false,
        "Text (language - text)": {
          "en": "Home",
			"fr": "Domicile"


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Try this:

      "Localization": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "Text (language - text)": {
          "en": "Home",
		  "fr": "Domicile"


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I have other shops below, so I have to do this.

      "Localization": {
        "Enabled": false,
        "Text (language - text)": {
          "en": "HGF"
      "Enabled": true,
      "Title": "Attire",
      "Permission": "shop.default",
      "Sort Type": "None",
      "Items": [


Then I tried with the panel in the game, and it bugs too.

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I even took the original configuration and just added a pnj.

Even with the original configuration, the translation of a category does not work and makes the category disappear.
With the items no worries.

I did this directly from the in the interface of the game.

Edited by Gbutome

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Ok after some testing I saw the problem.

If I put the same name as the category in one of the 2 translations, then no worries. it will display the name. But not the other in case of language change.


       "Enabled": true,
       "Title": "Weapon", //Title of the category
       "Permission": "",
       "Sort Type": "None",
       "Items": [

"Location": {
         "Enabled": false,
         "Text (language - text)": {
           "en": "Weapon", //same name as the category so will be displayed for players with the game in English
           "fr": "Weapons" //different name than the category, so will not be displayed for players with the game in French

It will only display the translation which is the same as the category title.

I performed the tests with a blank configuration, in the same state as if we had just put the plugin for the first time.

I specify that for the items, it works very well, but not for the categories.

The tests were carried out directly in the interface of the game.
I also did this by changing the config file directly, same problem.

Edited by Gbutome

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yes I did it. it was of course true.


As I said above, even with original setup it doesn't work.


above it is on False, but I put on True.


As I told you, even putting all the original system, it does not work.

Edited by Gbutome

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Ok, I just noticed the problem.
The translation works fine if you open the store with the chat command.

On the other hand with the NPC, it does not work.
The translation does not work if it does not have the same name in the translation as the title.
The category is deleted if it does not have the same name in the translation as the title.

So the problem is when you access the store from an NPC.
No hassle with chat command access.

Edited by Gbutome

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