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Pending 1.1.9

I've enabled "Limit_ShortRange_Weapon_Use" to true to stop npcs using pistols and bows and that kind of thing hundreds of meters away.
Still they shoot from meters away with pistols sometimes and with better weapons. Is there any way to force set this to 30-40m locked?

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The way it's set up, with Limit_ShortRange_Weapon_Use true, npcs shouldn't use pistols/bows if their target is considered long-range.
Long range is hard coded as anything over 40.

If the npc has a more suitable weapon, like an AK/LR/bolty or something, he will switch to that and use it instead.

The only time the npc wont fire at all due to Limit_ShortRange_Weapon_Use is if the npc only has short range weapons, like pistols/bows.
In that case, the npc should run to get closer, to try to get in range.

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I suppose it could be made configurable, sure,
although it sounds like you're saying the npcs with pistols are shooting from hundreds of meters away?

Is this the case? If so, are you sure they don't also have some kind of rifle they're switching to?

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Well let me give an example,i set deggro on 100m and aggro an npc with rifle,then i go 90m away,the npc will still shoot at me,i would like to have an option to make it lets say run towards me till it get to 40m and only then start shooting.

Right now if you aggro an npc with a gun while flying with a mini and then you go in the sky it will still shot you from a very far distance until it loses aggro

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OK, I see what you mean.

There is no option to just make npcs move up rather than fire, regardless of weapon, although it could be added.
I'll take a look at that.

In the meantime, there is an option to reduce Deaggro_Memory_Duration - It's in the global configuration options.
At least that would decrease the length of time that npcs remain locked on to targets beyond deaggro range.

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