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Command 'example.cmd' not found

Closed 2.1.2


[SatDishEvent] SatDishEvent has begun
[event] assets/prefabs/npc/ch47/ch47scientists.entity.prefab
m249.entity[8961333] changed its network group to null
m249.entity[8961341] changed its network group to null
m249.entity[8961349] changed its network group to null
m249.entity[8961357] changed its network group to null
m249.entity[8961365] changed its network group to null
5620575[5620575] died (Generic)
6535669[6535669] died (Generic)
2999527[2999527] died (Generic)
2278582[2278582] died (Generic)
7266230[7266230] died (Generic)
Invalid Position: scientist_corpse[8961397] (4248.7, 31.0, 97.0) (destroying)
Invalid Position: scientist_corpse[8961392] (4248.3, 31.2, 122.0) (destroying)
Invalid Position: scientist_corpse[8961384] (4248.4, 31.3, 121.8) (destroying)
Invalid Position: scientist_corpse[8961378] (4248.4, 31.1, 122.0) (destroying)
Invalid Position: scientist_corpse[8961371] (4248.5, 31.1, 122.0) (destroying)
Invalid Position: item_drop_backpack[8961410] (4248.5, 31.0, 122.0) (destroying)
Invalid Position: item_drop_backpack[8961408] (4248.4, 30.9, 122.0) (destroying)
Invalid Position: item_drop_backpack[8961402] (4248.7, 30.9, 97.0) (destroying)
Invalid Position: item_drop_backpack[8961404] (4248.3, 31.1, 122.0) (destroying)
Invalid Position: item_drop_backpack[8961406] (4248.4, 31.2, 121.8) (destroying)





[SatDishEvent] Image Tab_KpucTaJl download is complete
[SatDishEvent] Downloading image Clock_KpucTaJl...
[SatDishEvent] Image Clock_KpucTaJl download is complete
[SatDishEvent] Downloading image Npc_KpucTaJl...
[SatDishEvent] Image Npc_KpucTaJl download is complete
Command 'example.cmd' not found


whats that CMD?

Edited by Robert Stevens
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@Robert Stevens you were showing a chinook leaving the map and the entities all being destroyed as it left the map.

example.cmd looks like an error from copying and pasting or leaving text in an example field. It's not a command and should be removed from wherever the command was being submitted.

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