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Not spawn on cave

Pending 2.1.6

hello guys, im using custom map and i want to put a bot in a cave, but the spawn makes me out, how can I solve it? Thank you

Edited by d4rkbl3yz
bad word

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You can only place BotSpawn npcs in areas with navmesh, unless you set Stationary: true but, if you do that, they won't be able to move.

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I currently have it set to "true" but it doesn't spawn me in the cave either (it's a monument) it continues to spawn me outside. There is no way to add that monument to some list that spawns inside the cave?

I've seen servers that have it in caves using your plugin, how? no idea

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Oh, sorry - I thought you were using custom spawn points already, for some reason.
You'd need to set UseCustomSpawns: true then use the chat commands (from description) to add some custom spawn points in the cave.

Try with stationary false, first. If there's navmesh in that case if should work fine.

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is there any way for the bot to move in the cave? I managed to spawn but I would need it to move, but if I do it tells me that the navmesh is too far. any way to fix it?

and I tried to add the monument but I don't really know how to do it, adding it in default-DefaultProfiles and then giving it the same name in default-CustomProfiles, but I don't know if I'm really doing it right. I've been 3 days and I'm desperate

Edited by d4rkbl3yz

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