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Image Icons not showing up in latest version 2.3.3

Closed 2.3.3


The image database in my plugin is set as it should be set on each plugin available.
It means that default icons uses built-in ImageLibrary database,
I think there is a problem in ImageLibrary that it doesn't clear it's data each wipe, so it thinks that the images are stored in database, but they are not.
This is why it shows you black squares.
If you want to make your images work always, at every wipe remember, to delete the:
- .sv file in your /server/ folder
- the /oxide/data/ImageLibrary folder

Deleting ImageLibrary data file mid wipe seems that it doesn't fix the issue and you have to delete also the .sv file which contains all types of paitings, images from camera etc.

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I have the same. I did wipe and everything you mentioned and still the same no images. Worked before forced wipe and new patch

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Guys, you need to remember about clearing ImageLibrary data file on each wipe.
I didn't had any problems with that and aonyone who reported this issue.
You can try running refreshallimages  console command and wait few minutes, it might fix your issue but not sure 100%.

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