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CustomLoot Profile for Specific Bosses

Pending 2.0.7



In botrespawn there is an option to add a custom loot profile for that particular bot profile. See screenshot below:

I would like each boss to be able to have their own loot table, because I don't want the loot table for heavy scientists to be the same as the loot table for the boss. 

Is there a way to accomplish this in the current version of the plugin?




hi, no, there is no such possibility and it is unlikely that it will ever appear. Using the Custom Loot plugin is not my task. My task is to create a plugin with a graphical interface that you can use to change the loot settings in any of my plugins, and it doesn't matter what it will be, the NPC or the crate in the event



ok, I'm not really sure why I get so much hostility from your previous message, but I'm just trying to figure this out.

The CustomLoot dependency doesn't work as it should. Because the CustomLoot dependency should create an entry in the config/CustomLoot.json file, to which I can then specify a loot table in that config. The implementation of CustomLoot within BossMonster according to the CustomLoot API doesn't have this ability.



If the called config profile doesn't exist CustomLoot will create it under 'API'.

private Plugin CustomLoot;

var lootcall = NPC?.Call("MakeLoot", "Npc_Config_Profile_Name";

if (lootcall is string)


So the dependency implementation is broken. Because if I just wanted the boss to drop a heavy scientist loot table then I would just use the built in BossMonster option of 4 or 5 which is the loot table prefabs list. There would be no need for CustomLoot to even be called. So I guess I'm kind of confused as to why have CustomLoot as an optional dependency if the only thing CustomLoot uses is the Heavy scientist loot table, and isn't able to define a CustomLoot table (hence the name "CustomLoot").



no, there is no hostility, perhaps difficulties in translating from one language to another. I just explained the reason to you



yes, I also don't understand why you need to use Custom Loot here, but nevertheless some customers wanted to get it and I provided it



Thats probably the reason why. My bad.

The reason being is because I already have a loot table for Custom Loot defined for Bosses and I wanted to use that loot table instead of having to go through that loot table and porting that over to BossMonsters. BossMonsters just isn't creating that entry in the CustomLoot config, so I can't actually define the loot table to be used.



yes, I understand what you want, but this change will entail a change in the configuration structure for bosses, besides, I can't add it to just one plugin, I will need to do it in all my plugins, which will entail changing configurations everywhere, and this is a serious step. I can, as an exception, edit the plugin so that it works only for you, there is no problem with that, but it is unlikely to be in the plugin update in the future. If you want me to do something similar for you, then contact me at Discord



It says in the description of the BossMonsters plugin that this plugin works with CustomLoot as an optional dependency. So, can you define for me how this plugin works with CustomLoot? Like what the functionality is so i can get a better understanding?



you correctly described earlier, compatibility shows that you can install a loot extraction table from the boss and then CustomLoot will not make changes to this loot, and you can also create a different situation, you can specify that you want to use a loot table from CustomLoot, in which case the boss will have a loot table from CustomLoot for heavy npcs



So if the BossMonster plugin can specify the Heavy NPC prefab already, and the CustomLoot ONLY uses the Heavy NPC loot table, then whats the point of CustomLoot? It doesn't do anything that BossMonster can't do already by itself. The implementation of CustomLoot in my opinion isn't set up correctly due to the fact that its not creating that entry in the CustomLoot config. BossMonster should be creating a new entry for each boss in the CustomLoot config so that you can have different CustomLoot profiles for each boss that you want. That way CustomLoot is truly being used to its fullest potential. Having CustomLoot integrated only for the purposes of redefining the Heavy Scientist NPC loot table kind of defeats the purpose of CustomLoot.

For example, if I take the current implementation of the CustomLoot functionality as defined by BossMonsters, if I changed the heavy NPC loot table in custom loot, then the heavy scientists, and all other plugins using the heavy npc loot table will be the same as the boss loot table. Effecting turning oil rig heavy scientists into an "easy" boss because now all those scientists drop the same loot as a boss fight. Which isn't good.

To summarize, each boss should be calling the MakeLoot method of CustomLoot, and defining the Boss profile as "BossMonster_Name" where "Name" is the defined name in the BossMonsters Boss Data. That way I can then take full advantage of the CustomLoot plugin.



Yes, but I have already described above why this is a bad idea. You want to introduce a new parameter in each boss configuration, but in addition, if it is added to this plugin, then it should also be added to all plugins, so because of the addition of only one parameter, the task of updating parameters in a dozen plugins will follow, and this is about 70-80 places where this setting should appear. Do you think this is a good option?) Moreover, there are no other customers who are interested in this. That's why I suggested to you that I can meet you halfway and add it to the BossMonster plugin just for you, it's not difficult for me. Moreover, there is a much better way to configure loot in the plugin. For example, use type 5 to establish loot from the boss, which is an ideal option. Support for the CustomLoot plugin is identical to support for the AlphaLoot plugin



Just to follow up @BippyMiester I think in a way to answer part of your question and statement is to say, at least in regards to NPCs, loot plugins are usually not helpful. I don't know of any at least so far that have been written to be able to read the name of an NPC and allow customization that way, instead of by NPC type. It would be up to someone to add this to their plugin or to write it.

Also though I just think that if you are looking to have custom loot for bosses or even for presets, it just makes so much more sense to me to use this plugin to build the loot table. It takes more initial work but in the long run you can customize it exactly how you want, specific to each boss.



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