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increasing the total digits in the price

Closed 1.31.12

Howdy Mevent,


I have a couple of questions for you with regards to a newly purchased plugin. My first question is, Is there a way to increase the # of digits which show up on the price in the UI? The reason I ask this question is currency is fairly easy to come by on my higher gather rate servers and I have the prices for the steps set to 1 mill, 2.5 mill, 5 mill, and a 4th level at 10 mill for most skills that are in use on my server. The prices are currently limited to 5 digits so they are not completely accurate.

A second question I have is, is there a way to turn off notifications when someone purchases a skill? This became a flood of messages when initially installed on the server and I could see it becoming annoying for some of my players.


Thanks in advance.


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You can increase the width of the text box (for example, if you change -150 to -180, the field will expand by 30 pixels):

    "Cost": {
      "Font Size": 14,
      "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
      "Align": "MiddleRight",
      "Text Color": {
        "HEX": "#FFFFFF",
        "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0
      "AnchorMin": "1 0",
      "AnchorMax": "1 0",
      "OffsetMin": "-150 10",
      "OffsetMax": "-110 30"

To turn off notifications, you must set "false" for "Enable broadcast when learning a skill?". For example:

  "Broadcasting Settings": {
    "Enable broadcast when learning a skill?": false


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