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muted myself

Closed 2.5.5 2.5.5

So during testing I managed to mute myself, now cannot unmute (i didnt  have bcm) so checked global list, i am unmuted, downloaded BCM and no mute found, but cannot find a away to unmute myself. any ideas? 

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OK so i got myself unmuted but have no idea how ahahhaha, what i did was restarted the server, was still muted, chatmutelist empty but removed myself (steam i.d) no joy, in f1 console type bcm.unmute "steamid" and it worked, no idea why or how seeing i wasn't on any list lol but hey seems to be, even tho i never had better chat mute, i was muted regardless, no idea how or why, just thought i would share the fix and let you know, my god i was pulling my hair out been trying to fix this for over an hour. 

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