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How to get CustomLoot and BotReSpawn to work together?

Pending 1.1.9



Using BotReSpawn default profiles, I'm trying to use CustomLoot to give each profile its own custom loot table. 

Going into BotReSpawn > Profile > Death > Rust_Loot_Source it's only giving me vanilla loot table options.

Either I'm completely missing the instructions or they're non-existent because I cannot find anything about this anywhere.

  • Administrator


There are no instructions because all the setup is done in CustomLoot. 

In CustomLoot config you have all the crate/barrel/corpse types listed.
BotReSpawn is in that list.

If you want to see every profile rather than just one all-encompassing BotReSpawn entry, set corpseTypePerBotReSpawnProfile to true,
and reload CustomLoot.
You should see all your BotReSpawn profiles in the CustomLoot config file now.


Rust_Loot_Source in BotReSpawn isn't relevant to this, but you can use it in addition to give your bots vanilla stuff as well.. 👍



This is very helpful, thank you!

I followed your instructions and now see the BotReSpawn profiles in the CustomLoot config file now. Now how do I create my own loot table specifically for that profile?

Also, how would I edit the loot tables for vanilla crates, boxes, etc.?

  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Have you read through the CustomLoot overview?
It's not the most intuitive plugin in the world but the basics are laid out there.

Do you use AlphaLoot by any chance?

It'll be supported in the next update.
BotReSpawn will be giving users a per-profile option to let AlphaLoot handle your Rust_Loot_Source selection, instead of just giving vanilla.

Just mentioning it in case you're an AlphaLoot user already, about to waste a lot of time. 😉

Edited by Steenamaroo


Yes I've ready through the CustomLoot overview and I'm trying to stumble my way through it.

And no, unfortunately I don't have AlphaLoot. I might have to check it out though if it's easier to use!

  • Administrator


No problem. Just thought I'd check.

Open up CustomLoot config file and enter a made up name for 'lootTable', for the category you want to work with - In your case, some BotReSpawn profile.
When you save that config file and reload CustomLoot, CustomLoot will create a loot table of that name under /data/CustomLoot


Let's say you're doing custom loot for Airdrop npcs,
it'll look like this


"BotReSpawn-AirDrop": {
  "enabled": true,
  "lootTable": "AD_Table",
  "maxItems": 2,
  "minItems": 1,
  "gunsWithAmmo": false,
  "noGuns": false,
  "MaxBps": 3,
  "WaterPreFillPercent": 20,
  "ClearContainerFirst": true

Now when you save that and reload CustomLoot, it'll create AD_Table.json for you.

Loottables need set up from scratch, so open that file ^.

CustomLoot chooses its items by picking a category first, based on your probabilities,
then picking an item from that category, again based on your probabilities.


If you set Resources probability 49 and Tool probability 1, CustomLoot is going to spit out a resource 49 times out of 50,
assuming you have some resources with probability greater than one.

If you set charcoal to 100 and wood to 1, you've made resources very common, but wood very rare, see?

I never said it was simple. 😛




This is a very helpful and excellent explanation, thank you! The key part I was missing was the made up   "lootTable": "AD_Table",   part to make a new config. I knew from the landing page that I needed to enter that made up loot table name but I wasn't sure where.

Thanks again! 🙂

  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

No worries.
Let me know if you run into any issues.
I know the balancing isn't exactly intuitive - It was made more by request than for ease of use...it works for some people. 👍

Edited by Steenamaroo

Posted (edited)

How do i assign a made loot table to a profile? Example Arid Biome mobs, in death tab on BotReSpawn UI i have a list of loot profiles to choose from, however "Arid" which is the name of the loot profile created doesnt show there to be selected

Also, do i have to reload botrespawn every time i make changes with the loot tables?

Edited by robfruin


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