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Idiot's Guide to Custom Skill Trees

Closed 1.3.0

Fusion 3.64
Fusion 3.64


I'm having trouble figuring out how to get this set up.
I haven't even gotten to the point of putting it on the test server yet.
I'm unclear on a number of things.
Like what exactly do I put in the line for "Value": when it's a permission for a plugin?
I gathered that the line "Key": is for the lang file.
Do I need to bother with "value_per_buff": if each node is just a permission?
Also do the permissions wipe along with the skill reset, or do they carry over and I need to wipe them manually?
How do I set them up to lay out properly?
Example I'm creating a portable utilities skill tree. So one branch would be portable workbenches starting at tier one and ending at three.
Another branch being research, mixing, repair or something along those lines. The ultimate being the recycler.

So basically I'm pretty clueless.

I'm also going to leave this pinned just in case, so I don't lose it like I have others in the past 🙂
Cleaned up all the plugin follows. So now I'm getting updates that I need.

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Easiest way to get an understanding is to run the chat command /addtestpermsnode

This will add a custom permission node to the Cooking tree (disabled by default), and show you how its done. My video also covers it as well.

Key is the permission, value is the message.

The value_per_buff isn't too relevant if using permissions solely.

The cooking example will be good because it shows how you can use multiple permissions in the same skill node, accessible at different levels.

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Fusion 3.64


Thank you for your response.

Just watched the video. Very clear on how things work. My bad for not watching 'till the end. Sorry about that.
Pretty much got what I needed from that. I just need to be clear about the commands players need to use for each unlocked plugin. 
Might get a bit muddy with multiple plugins per node but I think I can figure that part out.

And just to clarify, the perms are reset on server wipe, or when a player respecs? I didn't notice mention of that in the video.



Hey yeah they are, so long a they are in the list of commands to run when respeccing.

Fusion 3.64



Now I'll be able to put all these OP plugins to use that I've been sitting on.
You know, all the ones you see that sound like a great idea.
You pick it up, test it out and realize, yeah, that's way power too much for a player to have. lol

I love this plugin more and more the more I learn about it.

Thank you.

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