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Request: Eco Raid Tier

Closed 2.6.7

Fusion 3.64
Fusion 3.64

Posted (edited)

I know this one is a stretch and is asking a lot.
But players have been requesting ecor raid bases.
Honestly I haven't bothered since the active players get resources/tools fast enough that running them on easy would be laughable.
They would just blow through a wall or door in seconds, loot and be on their way.

My thought is having a tier for shittty wood bases in a zone that will allow the admin/owner to block (or use a whitelist) the usage of set weapons and tools restricting it to an actual eco raid.
Upon entry to the zone they will be alerted to that fact, and they can either go with it and come back with spears, stone tools and an eoka or piss off and go to a higher tier raid.

This will give the slower players something to do so they can get a leg up and move forward faster.

Edited by thepiercedweirdo


interesting idea. create a new profile and add your eco bases to it. then set Explosion Damage Modifier (0-999) to 0 to disable explosion damage. this would be a start. the rest would need to be implemented, including all explosive damage types since explosion type doesn't seem to be enough anymore. it's a good idea and I am already working on something similar for another project so I'll see about implementing it in RB too.

how would the players know the difference between a regular raid and an eco raid?



what all is an eco tool? to me that is melee weapons only / no explosives

what about flamethrowers, should that be allowed? I will have to make that an option because I know some would want it to work too

Fusion 3.64


Oh right. Yeah flamethrowers would be included as well. I totally forgot about that thing. Haven't used one in forever.
As far as what tools are permitted, I suppose that's really up for debate. Stone tools are 100%. Personally I would also consider standard axe and pick since they are relatively common drops.
But do players consider salvaged, chain and jack as well?
I guess that's up to the admin/owner really.

As far as players knowing if it's an eco raid or not, they would receive a different notification upon entry into the zone.
Which I realize would be an added complication to the plugin if this were to be added in.
I suppose moving lines from the lang file to the profiles themselves?



noted, thanks. message is easy enough. would just add another

the problem i'm having is the games limitations with fire. death notes plugin handles it quite well but I don't want to go to that extreme to do so. i will just block fire damage if i can't determine the source in an elegant way. this would require players to keep the flamethrower in their hands in order for it to do damage. a bit annoying, but simpler is better.

Fusion 3.64


Understood. Adding a dependency on another plugin just adds more complications.
The requirement of holding the flamethrower may make some players reee. But gotta go with what works 🙂



I found an elegant solution for flamethrowers. all fireballs spawned by flamethrowers have the flamethrower_fireball prefab name. so i just kill anything that doesn't have that name. problem solved. ez pz

Fusion 3.64

Posted (edited)

Oh right. I think that's in my TruePVE config. I go overboard and try to  include everything in the members list just incase something goes sideways in a FP update. You never know what they're going to change till the last minute. It's a nightmare to look at, but it works.

Edited by thepiercedweirdo


lol ive seen my fair share of nightmare configs. i don't recommend it but if it works for you then thats what matters.



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