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/info is not working at all now after Social Link

Not a Bug 1.1.4

Cole Ciotta

  "General Settings": {
    "Open when player connected.": true,
    "Open on tab number.": 1,
    "Open only once per wipe.": false,
    "Require permission for each tab.": false,
    "Custom chat commands (don't delete from list, just rename).": [
  "Button Settings": {
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      "<size=45><color=#4A95CC>RUSTSERVERNAME</color> #4</size> ",
      "<size=25>WIPE SCHEDULE <color=#83b8c7>WEEKLY</color> @ <color=#83b8c7>4:00PM</color> (CET)</size>",
      "<size=25>RATES <color=#83b8c7>2x GATHER</color> | <color=#83b8c7>1.5x LOOT</color></size> ",
      "<size=25>GROUP LIMIT <color=#83b8c7>MAX 5</color></size>",
      "<size=25>MAPSIZE <color=#83b8c7>3500</color></size> ",
      "<size=15>Server is located in EU. Blueprints are wiped monthly. Feel free to browse our infomation panel to find out more about the server. If you have more questions, please join our discord and we will happy to help you.</size>",
      "<size=15><color=#83b8c7>\n This is demo page for Welcome, you can find more examples by checking other tabs.</color></size>"
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      "<size=18>You can set various text alignments inside config file.</size>",
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      "0 0",
      "1 1"
  "Tab #3 Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Button Title": "   WIPE CYCLE",
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      "(i)<i><color=#4A95CC>Italic Text</color></i>(/i)",
      "<size=18>Replace ( ) with <color=#4A95CC>< ></color> in actual config file, rounded brackets used only as showcase.</size>",
    "Background Image URL": "",
    "Background Image Anchoring": [
      "0 0",
      "1 1"
   "Panel #4": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Text Field":"<size=22>DISCORD</size>\n<size=9>Link your discord with in game account!<size>",
    "Icon Image": "https://assets-global.website-files.com/6257adef93867e50d84d30e2/636e0a6a49cf127bf92de1e2_icon_clyde_blurple_RGB.png",
    "Button Text":"GET LINK",
    "Note Text": "\n\n discord.gg/invitelink \n \n you can copy paste link from here",
    "Note Name": "DISCORD",
    "Note Skin ID / Icon": "2381705198",
    "Main Panel Color": "0 0 0 0.7",
    "Secondary Panel Color": "0.19 0.19 0.19 0.85",
    "Button Color": "0.16 0.34 0.49 0.80"
      "Title Text": "You can find us here",
      "Footer Text":"by following us on social media you get various rewards.",
      "Font Outline Color":"0 0 0 1",
      "Font Outline Thickness":"1"
   "Tab #5 Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Button Title": "  DISCORD",
    "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json",
    "Base Text Size": 18,
    "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1",
    "Text Style": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
    "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
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      "<size=45><color=#4A95CC>Available Fonts</color></size>",
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      "0 0",
      "1 1"
  "Tab #6 Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Button Title": "  BUG REPORT",
    "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json",
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    "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1",
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    "Text Align": 4,
    "Text Lines": [
      "Welcome \n",
      "You can set background image for each tab and also change position/size",
    "Background Image URL": "http://333017_web.fakaheda.eu/bgimage.png",
    "Background Image Anchoring": [
      "0 0",
      "1 1"
  "Tab #7 Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Button Title": " ADMIN",
    "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json",
    "Base Text Size": 17,
    "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1",
    "Text Style": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
    "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
    "Text Outline Thickness": "1.5",
    "Text Align": 4,
    "Text Lines": [
      "<size=27><color=#4A95CC><i>Thank you for purchasing Welcome</i></color></size>",
      "If you found good use of this plugin, please don't forget leave review.",
      "Suggestions are also welcomed.",
      "<size=11>DISCORD</size> <color=#4A95CC><b>!David#1337</b></color>"
    "Background Image URL": "",
    "Background Image Anchoring": [
      "0 0",
      "1 1"
  "Tab #8 Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Button Title": " SHOP",
    "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json",
    "Base Text Size": 17,
    "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1",
    "Text Style": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
    "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
    "Text Outline Thickness": "1.5",
    "Text Align": 4,
    "Text Lines": [
      "<size=27><color=#4A95CC><i>Thank you for purchasing Welcome</i></color></size>",
      "If you found good use of this plugin, please don't forget leave review.",
      "Suggestions are also welcomed.",
      "<size=11>DISCORD</size> <color=#4A95CC><b>!David#1337</b></color>"
    "Background Image URL": "",
    "Background Image Anchoring": [
      "0 0",
      "1 1"
  "Tab #9 Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Button Title": " VIP",
    "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json",
    "Base Text Size": 17,
    "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1",
    "Text Style": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
    "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
    "Text Outline Thickness": "1.5",
    "Text Align": 4,
    "Text Lines": [
      "<size=27><color=#4A95CC><i>Thank you for purchasing Welcome</i></color></size>",
      "If you found good use of this plugin, please don't forget leave review.",
      "Suggestions are also welcomed.",
      "<size=11>DISCORD</size> <color=#4A95CC><b>!David#1337</b></color>"
    "Background Image URL": "",
    "Background Image Anchoring": [
      "0 0",
      "1 1"
  "Tab #10 Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Button Title": " UPDATES",
    "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json",
    "Base Text Size": 17,
    "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1",
    "Text Style": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
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    "Text Outline Thickness": "1.5",
    "Text Align": 4,
    "Text Lines": [
      "<size=27><color=#4A95CC><i>Thank you for purchasing Welcome</i></color></size>",
      "If you found good use of this plugin, please don't forget leave review.",
      "Suggestions are also welcomed.",
      "<size=11>DISCORD</size> <color=#4A95CC><b>!David#1337</b></color>"
    "Background Image URL": "",
    "Background Image Anchoring": [
      "0 0",
      "1 1"
  "Addons": {
    "Tab 1": "null",
    "Tab 2": "null",
    "Tab 3": "null",
    "Tab 4": "WPSocialLinks",
    "Tab 5": "null",
    "Tab 6": "null",
    "Tab 7": "null",
    "Tab 8": "null",
    "Tab 9": "null",
    "Tab 10": "null"

Edited by Cole Ciotta
Link to comment

Please when you sending your config, upload it as .json file into attachment.

At line 133 you have something which does not belong into WelcomePanel config

      "Title Text": "You can find us here",
      "Footer Text":"by following us on social media you get various rewards.",
      "Font Outline Color":"0 0 0 1",
      "Font Outline Thickness":"1"


Edited by David
Link to comment


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