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The plugin needs general fixes. It's not working correctly

Pending 1.0.6


So I have several issues.

FIrst and major is that players just missing from IQSystem/ Data file but still present in a group they got with IQ permissions. So I have more than 10 players who recieved permissions of VIP group and здгпшт did not took it back from them because they were removed earlier from data file somewhy. It happens all the time. Infinite VIP for the players. It's randomly so for someone it works fine but mostly it removing people from data file sheduled revokes and often (about one of 2-3 purchases) going away from data file or even they are never wrotten there IDK so IQPermissions will never take it back from them because there are no sheduled actions in data( IDK how to explain more. Hope it's understandable.

Another issue is that not that major but it doesn't work eather: all revokegroup commands for manually revoking if it's needed says "no group exist" but addgroup working fine for those groups. please check that

(ex. I add player with grantgroup sID64 vip1 20d and it works fine but if I want to revokegroup sID64 or revokegroup sID64 10d it write me in console next:

(11:16:07) | [IQPermissions] The group you specified do not exist!


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6 days ago player bought group for 30d. today it's gone. it was the third issue this week. now it's not making infinite group but it's revoking gived permissions randomly. 1 of 10 players having this glitch once around per 3-5 days

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