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Expert & Nightmare Bases Spawning Only 50-60% Of Loot Allotted

Not a Bug 1.0.12


Posted (edited)

I am opening up a support request to let you know that some of the expert and nightmare level bases are only spawning half of the loot. I have already previously opened up a support ticket with Nivex to ensure that it was not the Raidable Bases plugin causing these issues, which we both agreed that it was not the plugin itself.

So I did some testing...

In previous testing, before I opened the ticket with Nivex, I was using the /rbe command and spawning the base at a specific spot I was looking at. This could have skewed results due to the base possibly spawning below the navmesh and destroying some boxes? Not too sure on the validity of that statement.

So just to be on the safe side I switched to the /rbevent command instead just to be sure. That way it was spawning on a valid location as determined by the Raidable Bases plugin. After each spawning during my testing I then ran the /rbe despawnall commands and waited until the base in front of me was completely despawned before spawning in another base. This should hopefully ensure that the bases were not leaving anything behind.

Loot Tables

The loot tables all contain enough items to spawn the full amount of items in each difficulty category.

(03:29:28) | Loaded plugin Raidable Bases v2.6.4 by nivex
(03:29:31) | -
Loaded 399 items from RaidableBases\Difficulty_Loot\Easy
Loaded 386 items from RaidableBases\Difficulty_Loot\Medium
Loaded 353 items from RaidableBases\Difficulty_Loot\Hard
Loaded 350 items from RaidableBases\Difficulty_Loot\Expert
Loaded 341 items from RaidableBases\Difficulty_Loot\Nightmare

Expert Bases

In my /data/RaidableBases/Profiles/Expert Bases.json file the following settings have been set:

"Amount Of Items To Spawn For Buyable Events (0 = Use Default Value)": 140,
"Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value)": 140,
"Amount Of Items To Spawn": 140,


After running this test a total of 10 times, I have gotten the following results on the Expert-2 base:

Test 1: 70 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/mdHYYZNr5lGj

Test 2: 78 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/GMLBL-lRVzwP

Test 3: 64 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/KHdTdY0xttts

Test 4: 75 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/Urg-Jbl-8pA1

Test 5: 70 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/Q-z57NLyahc5

Test 6: 78 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/8LY7fwh5Iolm

Test 7: 68 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/GF3sQ0w0DBNd

Test 8: 66 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/HJ_ZnaUhidCA

Test 9: 70 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/BUXJDwpgMrcP

Test 10: 82 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/tSxV1lf6Teqf


I then just spawned one of each of the rest of the Expert bases. The results are as follows:

Expert 1: 138 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/PLDdZTnQ5xdX

Expert 3: 134 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/kStwiQuSpnUP

Expert 4: 133 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/-hkdi7SxPVcR

Expert 5: 87 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/uN1GatMP9_YX

Expert 6: 72 Items Spawned - https://prnt.sc/QT5SQRFBZQHR


So the bases that need to be looked at are Expert 2, 5, & 6. 

Nightmare Bases

In my /data/RaidableBases/Profiles/Nightmare Bases.json file the following settings have been set:

"Amount Of Items To Spawn For Buyable Events (0 = Use Default Value)": 200,
"Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value)": 200,
"Amount Of Items To Spawn": 200,

Here are the test results:

Nightmare 1: 119 Items - https://prnt.sc/Gnu5OKQCQ2pI

Nightmare 2: 111 Items - https://prnt.sc/WbqU1G6CdC5r

Nightmare 3: 115 Items - https://prnt.sc/g-lSY0amaVlm

Nightmare 4: 124 Items - https://prnt.sc/hGkPei_5W25a

Nightmare 5: 133 Items - https://prnt.sc/54xBwliWzvrj

Nightmare 6: 144 Items - https://prnt.sc/lYAwh2nEw9ws

Nightmare 7: 163 Items - https://prnt.sc/8k766RI1H5cF

Nightmare 7: This base has the Raidable Bases bubble up so high that the bottom area is not covered, which means on a PvE server, the bottom half isn't able to be damaged. Not entirely sure if there is a way to move the bubble down using the Raidable Bases plugin, but if there is, let me know.

Nightmare 8: 102 Items - https://prnt.sc/cGtMociUkTJj

Edited by BippyMiester
Fixed broken Links


Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress



hey, im sorry to hear you have these problems 

i already tested ur first base to check out the problem and 
i think you have your settings wrong the bases i have no issue with this 50% loot
see picture below with date of today.




Nightmare 7: This base has the Raidable Bases bubble up so high that the bottom area is not covered, which means on a PvE server, the bottom half isn't able to be damaged. Not entirely sure if there is a way to move the bubble down using the Raidable Bases plugin, but if there is, let me know.

i will see what i can do or it will be removed for the pack since it got added up later



@nivex could you help him out on this one ?

so short story, bases spawn less loot than he put in config he already told me u 2 spend alot of time to find out the ( problem ) 

these kind of problems dont show up for me even better its just working fine like it always do like you see in the pictures i send after the complain 




Here is my config for the Expert and Nightmare bases. Maybe you can shed some light as to why this is happening. My settings should be ok as half of the Expert bases are unaffected, but the other half is. Only thing I could think of is the Nightmare bases as none of those are working. So something might be borked there.

Expert Bases.json Nightmare Bases.json



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Not a Bug



  "Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value)": 0,

  "Amount Of Items To Spawn": 140,




this is mine 

"Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value)": 200,
  "Amount Of Items To Spawn": 350,



"Amount Of Items To Spawn For Buyable Events (0 = Use Default Value)": 140,
"Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value)": 140,
"Amount Of Items To Spawn": 140,

Expert Base Profile ^^^^^^^

Expert 2

  1. 103 Items - https://prnt.sc/c-EyXBQDuK0q
  2. 107 Items - https://prnt.sc/YMcqAzkDRkFL
  3. 103 Items - https://prnt.sc/2Dqp--3NubZs

The Nightmare profile is set already to the following:

"Amount Of Items To Spawn For Buyable Events (0 = Use Default Value)": 200,
"Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value)": 200,
"Amount Of Items To Spawn": 200,

So that solution doesn't work. Setting that to 0 or the same value as the third item "Amount Of Items To Spawn" doesn't make a difference. While it did increase the output to above 100, its still missing 40 items on the expert level. Again this doesn't solve the issue with every single nightmare base in the pack.



yes there is still something you are doing wrong, like i send in the screenshot i dont have these spawn issues and loot issues 



@BippyMiester at this point i cant do anything for you, these are not problems i cant solve and these have nothing to do with the bases that i made i try to spawn expert 2 and have a total 0 issues, the  200+ loot spawning without problems  

i think you have to do your config over ? idk why but should do it, i have litterly no problems also 3 other costumers have the same..NO problems with spawning loot etc 

 the nightmare 7 with dome i agreed with that i should have done that early but like i told before i forgot about it because it whas no big deal for most because its still raidable 
and if its not being fix this week ill just remove it since its a extra base ( more extra upcoming slowly) 




I'll submit my findings back to @nivexin his thread with some more data, and we'll see how this all works out. I highly doubt its my configuration, but 🤷‍♂️ we'll just have to wait until Nivex has the time to test these files.



@BippyMiester hey wondering how its have been going do you have sort it out already if not i have time for your config atn 



Nope. Nivex is currently busy, he'll get to it when he can. I'll send you what I sent him.


So, I opened up a support discussion on the pack I bought for these bases... The guy is pretty much saying that its my config that is screwing something up. So, I bought your Tier3 pack and ran some more tests. You can read our discussion here: https://codefling.com/files/sc/4829-expert-nightmare-bases-spawning-only-50-60-of-loot-allotted/

If it was the config files like he says, the bases would all be spawning in loot below 100% of the allotted items. You would see that the bases are ALL spawning in 50% of the loot. However, 50% of them do spawn the correct amount of loot, and the other half don't. This is why his theory that it has to do with the config in my opinion is incorrect. To test his theory out though, and to ensure that I'm not putting my foot in my mouth, I did a breakdown of his bases vs your bases from your pack.

Your Tier 3 Expert Bases (140 Items Expected)

Nivex-T3-Expert1 - 139 Items (99.2%) - https://prnt.sc/uxpd-hw2AbRJ
Nivex-T3-Expert2 - 140 Items (100%) - https://prnt.sc/UpZcL0uak7zH
Nivex-T3-Expert3 - 139 Items (99.2%) - https://prnt.sc/NoQ6Kjkw0lFK
Nivex-T3-Expert4 - 139 Items (99.2%) - https://prnt.sc/nrlX__vdSAB6
Nivex-T3-Expert5 - 113 Items (80.7%) - https://prnt.sc/Bnz6cKX04f30
Nivex-T3-Expert6 - 111 Items - (79.2%) https://prnt.sc/waX7Q869oyOK
Nivex-T3-Expert7 - 110 Items (78.5%) - https://prnt.sc/VLX3Rii8k1Sh
Nivex-T3-Expert8 - 138 Items (98.5%) - https://prnt.sc/qyWNL4NJUlOI
Nivex-T3-Expert9 - 139 Items (99.2%) - https://prnt.sc/L5OBP8EyqrpY
Nivex-T3-Expert10 - 114 Items (81.4%) - https://prnt.sc/kkni2Vb-m0tU

Now to recap his bases. The Expert 2 base is listed as the average between all ten tests that I did above.

His Expert Bases (140 Items Expected)

Expert-1 - 138 Items Spawned (98.5%) - https://prnt.sc/PLDdZTnQ5xdX
Expert-2 - 72 Items Spawned (Average) (51.4%) - Screenshots See Above 
Expert-3 - 134 Items Spawned (95.7%) - https://prnt.sc/kStwiQuSpnUP
Expert-4 - 133 Items Spawned (95%) - https://prnt.sc/-hkdi7SxPVcR
Expert-5 - 87 Items Spawned (62.1%) - https://prnt.sc/uN1GatMP9_YX
Expert-6 - 72 Items Spawned (51.4%) - https://prnt.sc/QT5SQRFBZQHR

The bases in his pack, which the lowest was 64 out of 140 (45.7%) to the highest which was 87 out of 100 (62.1%) or in instances of near 100% spawn the average was between 133 (95%) and 138 (98.5%). To have a 78% out of 140 in your pack as the lowest items count is reasonable? But it still leaves questions as to why its only spawning 75%-78%. Maybe things sometimes dont spawn in correctly due to boxes being broken due to navmesh or whatever.

Your Tier 3 Nightmare Bases (200 Items Expected)

Nivex-T3-Nightmare1 - 196 Items (98%) - https://prnt.sc/-_G_oEkN1Ybe
Nivex-T3-Nightmare2 - 154 Items (77%) - https://prnt.sc/mBOtzLE7wwGx
Nivex-T3-Nightmare3 - 152 Items (76%) - https://prnt.sc/1dX0Z9b2FVPW
Nivex-T3-Nightmare4 - 152 Items (76%) - https://prnt.sc/eSWJXBS3TT8c
Nivex-T3-Nightmare5 - 199 Items (99.5%) - https://prnt.sc/1PjZle-4fVlt
Nivex-T3-Nightmare6 - 168 Items (84%) - https://prnt.sc/rWefdHwhuHCw
Nivex-T3-Nightmare7 - 199 Items (99.5%) - https://prnt.sc/kl_uYalapapd
Nivex-T3-Nightmare8 - 199 Items (99.5%) - https://prnt.sc/whjwYwOl6GU0
Nivex-T3-Nightmare9 - 196 Items (98%) - https://prnt.sc/4eKfAD3IRa2d
Nivex-T3-Nightmare10 - 152 Items (76%) - https://prnt.sc/rlqK0nuGc7sH

So, here are my UPDATED files for RaidableBases. Hopefully this new information helps you, as he was very quick to say that it was the configuration and not his base designs that were the issue. I can see where some of what he's saying is true considering some of your bases are spawning items at around 75%, but I really again, don't think this is an issue with the configuration seeing how some of them are spawning at 99.5%. So, going off what we know now, what are your thoughts on this?

Check your DM's for the file as this thread isn't private.



this is your config.    130 items from the 140,  i suggest you wait for @nivex and he will tell you what You did wrong

also i have show u before a base spawns 200 items this base so at that point you could notice its not something i can do about 

if it whas my problem/mistake  would also only spawn 70 items but it dont, it work just fine as you see picture below WITH UR CONFIG 

you dont want to hear this probadly but start over again and learn from the mistakes u made

we test this on 3 different servers  




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