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Naked Scientist Bots

Pending 1.1.4


I had some plugin messages in the console log like these...
[BotReSpawn] A bot at Airfield 0 has no weapon. Check your kits. 
...and saw that the bots are running around without any equipment any more

Then i found this not yet documented Feature: Keep_Default_Loadout and tried to set it to true and it luckily works.

What exactly "Keep_Default_Loadout" means?
A default Bot without Kit should wear Scientists Stuff?

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You're quite right - This was an unintentional change in the last update.

Keep_Default_Loadout shouldn't be considered for npcs who aren't being given a kit, and never was before.
That behaviour will be restored in the next update.

It was just a mistake I made when adding the new code for the frankenstein clothing options.

The Keep_Default_Loadout option lets spawned npcs keep whatever vanilla clothing and weapons they spawned with.
If you wanted vanilla scientists but want to give them an additional handgun, for example, you'd just give them a kit with a handgun and nothing else,
and set Keep_Default_Loadout : true.

Thanks for flagging this.
As you found out, setting Keep_Default_Loadout to true will solve the problem temporarily.
After the next update this will not be necessary - true or false...it wont matter for non-kitted npcs.


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Thanks for your reply, and can't wait till everything is working as usual again!
Yes luckily they are now not naked and without gun anymore, i have also gave them the frankenstein look (tired of the default blue hazmat suit haha)

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@DJ-NYRO- I'm not sure you're having the same issue.

The known issue is that npcs which aren't being given kits started showing up naked.
People who want npcs with no kit (I.E. vanilla clothes and weapons) had to set Keep_Default_Loadout to true to fix it, temporarily.

The issue doesn't affect npcs which are being given a kit, though.
Sounds like you have some other issue, perhaps with Kits plugin, or some specific kit?

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Okay after using the new update after forced wipe and still having the same issue, i was looking once more in the config file, it didn't gave me a error message but it seems there were some monuments i have done the config wrong
i had it like this:
"Kit": ["npc1,cratenpc,van1+,van3+"],
but it has to be like this:
"Kit": ["npc1","cratenpc","van1+","van3+"],

So it was just my fault, this change has fixed my issue

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