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Grid R18 Scientists Spawning Too Much!

Not a Bug 1.45DO



So, I've been doing some testing on the map. I wanted to make sure that it wasn't a plugin making these scientists spawn so much. Currently I am running the following plugins on the server: AdminMenu, AdminRadar, Vanish, Godmode

There are a ton of scientists that just keep spawning here in grid r18 making the town completely inaccessible due to the shear number of the scientists. Is there any way you can fix this issue? I'm assuming that this issue is stemming from a junkpile prefab that just keeps spawning and spawning over and over again.

See attached screenshots...

Testing Methodology:

  • Loaded up a test server on my local machine with nobody able to log in except from the local network
  • Spawned in at 7:30PM
  • Killed all scientists at grid 18 outside of the town at 7:32PM
  • Logged out of the server but kept it running
  • Waited until 10:07PM (3 hours ish)
  • Logged back in, scientists still spawning too much

Killed all 732.png

Logged in 730.png

Logged in 1010.png



Hi. Scientists spawn as standard in the city. You have the plugin installed Rustedit.dll ?



Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress



Yes of course I have it installed. Thats not a plugin though, thats an extension. So if you're asking about extensions, I have the following installed. Discord, RustEdit, and oxide.disable-sandbox file as well due to having a harmony mod added that allows every hit on a node or tree to be a bonus hit.

It would be nice to not have these spawns direct from the map. Most maps that i've ever used it was up to the server owner to place hostile NPC's themselves using BotReSpawn and or Monument Bradley. If you are buying a map, its safe to say that you already are using BotReSpawn and Monument Bradley, and if the owner isn't using it then thats on them. The reason I suggest not having hostile NPC's being spawned through rustedit is because it has always been super buggy. Been like that going on 3+ years now. Case in point, this issue I'm having.



I understand you, but when I didn't put them there were complaints that they weren't there initially. I don't think the problem is global to do an update for everyone. Will you be able to remove all "NPC Spawner" on the map yourself? I can do it on my own, if not. If anything, the easiest way to do it is this -> Go to the map in Rusedit (password in the archive) -> N -> Search for "NPC Spawner" and delete everything. Save it under a new name and you're done



Yea i can do it myself. Just was giving you a heads up that the spawners in rustedit suck lol The people that are complaining about them not being there are lazy and just don't want to put out the money or the time to load the NPC's themselves using BotReSpawn. lol Its whatever. I'll deal with it myself. Thanks though for a great map!



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Not a Bug



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