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Loot still accessable Prior to taking tc

Closed 2.6.4 2.6.5



working with this plugin i found that 

players are able  to loot loot bags from destroyed box, prior to taking tc


      "Require Cupboard To Be Looted Before Despawning": false,
      "Destroying The Cupboard Completes The Raid": true,

is there another setting I need to set to force tc to be taken/destroyed  BEFORE ANY LOOT can be looted? 

problem  that is happening is :

the player starts to raid and in the process destroys say a box that has loot in it. The loot falls to the floor in a bag at which time the player can get the loot PRIOR to having control or destroying tc. IF the box is not destroyed everything works as supposed to requiring access to tc to get loot.
How do i prevent players getting from  loot UNTIL they have taken TC, or destroyed it 



yes, this is intended. they're technically looting the bag the box drops and not the box itself. you would have to use an option to make the box invulnerable. I can add an option to make them invulnerable until the TC is destroyed

your other option isn't viable unless the boxes have no locks at all, and Add Locks To Boxes is disabled, then you can just enable Boxes Are Invulnerable instead.



"I can add an option to make them invulnerable until the TC is destroyed"     this would be great

in ref to option two

you are referring to these settings ?

"Boxes Are Invulnerable": true,


  "Add Code Lock To Boxes": false,
  "Add Code Lock To Lockers": false,




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