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Ingredient bag "bug"

Closed 1.4.2

Fusion 3.64
Fusion 3.64


Players are putting items into the bag that aren't on the whitelist. Sometimes the plugin blocks them. Sometimes the plugin kicks them out of the bag. Sometimes they stay in the bag.
Often if they split the stack and leave half in the bag they will stay.
The main problem with this is, the items from the bag are becoming unstackable for some reason.

I'm using StackModifier for the stack manager.

This is just now becoming an issue.
I wouldn't be concerned about it.
But now that more than one person has done it, that means that even more players are going to start doing it.
And I'm going to have to deal with their "broken" items that would have been fine if they just left things alone and didn't try out the thing that breaks things.



If you unload StackModifier, does the issue persist?


Fusion 3.64


So I unloaded the stacks plugin and it seems to be unrelated.
I only mentioned it because a previous issue the stacks plugin I was usung caused players to be able to put items into the bag that weren't allowed.
But that was a paid plugin from another site, so I moved to the main plugin that everyone is using (StackModifier).

It seems that no matter what goes into the bag, once it comes out it cannot stack with other items.
Berries for example you can place in the bag. But once you take them out they will not stack with "external"  loot.
The types are random. I've had non standard place in the bag and sometimes reject/drop.
Gunpowder is another. I've had multiple players report it to me but I cannot replicate it.
Even if I whitelist the items, once they come out of the bag they cannot stack with each other.

I'm guessing this has to be a conflict since nobody else has mentioned it.
I'll gut my test server and see what happens.

Fusion 3.64


Okay. I stand corrected.

After getting on the test server and running only whitelist/imagelibrary/cooking and not having any issue.
Loading StackModifier caused the stack conflict.
For some reason unloading the stack plugin on the main server wasn't actually unloading it.

Such is the life of running a modded hellscape.

Fusion 3.64


Also I type way too much to get to the point.

Sorry about that.



Really weird. I run it fine on my server.

Fusion 3.64


Maybe something is out of date.

I'll wipe everything, download/update and try it again.



Feel free to upload your data and config files here and I will mount it on my server to test.

Fusion 3.64


I'll see what happens after I get onto the test server with the fresh installations.
I have a feeling there may have been a screwy setting in the stacks config since this is just me.

Fusion 3.64


Okay, so I wiped everything on the server, uploaded new downloads of the plugins and gave it another go.


I'm not sure what's wrong here since everything is a brand new configuration.
No alterations. Everything is default.
Since things are fine on your end I shouldn't be having the same issue on mine with this.
Active plugins are as follows:
  01 "AdminMenu" (0.1.55) by k1lly0u (0.04s) - AdminMenu.cs
  02 "Cooking" (1.4.3) by imthenewguy (0.27s) - Cooking.cs
  03 "Image Library" (2.0.60) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.02s) - ImageLibrary.cs
  04 "Stack Modifier" (1.6.4) by Khan (0.04s) - StackModifier.cs
  05 "Whitelist" (3.3.0) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.13s) - Whitelist.cs
Running AdminMenu to check active permissions and Whitelist to keep players off the server.
Config and Data are attached.

Upload to CF.zip

Fusion 3.64


I also tried this with Loot Table & Stacksize GUI 1.0.19

and got the same result as shown in the video.
I tried it with altered stack sizes and a default configuration/data files.
Both were the same.



Ok you aren't insane, its a problem with ingredient bag.

Ingredient bag was originally designed for only non-default ingredient items, but due to demand I updated it so that any item that was listed in ingredients could be added, default or not.

The issue is that I was still assigning a value to the item.name field, which stack modifier cares about. If the item.name field does not match, it won't allow the stack (as any good stack plugin should behave), so when the item was regenerated by the ibag, it would create the item with that item.name field, preventing stacking with items that did not have that field, IE: default ingredients that had not been touched by the ibag.


My test didn't show this error because I had my items going into the ibag from being gathered.


Will add this to the next update. Welcome to pm me on discord if you want early access to the copy though.

Fusion 3.64


Sorry for the late response.

I know this is probably the most asinine bug in the general scale of things, but if something can be found, my server will find it 🙂
Thank you for patching this.
I'll try to hop on the discord later and shoot you a message.
I have a bunch of updates I'm behind on that I need to work on first.

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