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Closed 1.1.14


So, I'm trying to create a build server/events server however I am running into issues that you could quite possibly point me in the right direction.

So I have the following plugins running and I would like hunger games to ignore these somehow.

mapnoteteleport..... also when right clicking on the map to the hunger games island you spawn inside the zone and this needs to not allow this to happen. How can I sort this out?

F1Spawn! so in the event players are able to f1 spawn items! How can this permission be taken off for the duration of the hunger games event?

I have most of the events skirmish, scuba arena, fishing etc and need to do the same for these also.

is this even possible ?






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Not sure if any of that is possible with the current build. Didn't have preventing admin powers in mind when I built any of the plugins.

It could be worked around, but it wouldn't be something that would suit the plugin or its dependencies, so it would be a custom job.

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OK as for a custom job I need this so can we talk about this ? 

I've tried work around but without adding another 10 plugins trying to prevent this it's causing me a headache.

Please add me on discord to discuss a custom job Asbo#4599

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