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Shop addon for Welcome UI intergrations

Not a Bug 1.1.62


Hi. Is there a way to rename your shop so that you can also use the Shop By Mevent plugin? And how do I get your plugin in the Welcome Info Ui?

Is there a reason your plugin is called Shop and not ShopUi? I think it would be easier to distinguish it from other plugins

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4 hours ago, damnpixel said:

Hi. Is there a way to rename your shop so that you can also use the Shop By Mevent plugin? And how do I get your plugin in the Welcome Info Ui?

Is there a reason your plugin is called Shop and not ShopUi? I think it would be easier to distinguish it from other plugins

Hey, Im not sure about renaming, I can try. Message me here https://discord.com/invite/Pa2xnsehGD and I will assist you when I will be around, going to bed now.

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