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Custom Stationary Bots Moving...

Pending 1.1.1



I have custom stationary bots set at different places, but when I reload the profile, only 1 pops up.  I clicked on the profile I wanted, clicked the Edit Spawnpoints button, checked for NavMesh, then clicked the Add Spawnpoint Here button, giving me 3 spawnpoints... but only one bot spawns in.  Ideas?



I figured it out.  Apparently, you have to tell it how many bots there are when you add custom spawn points, so the number of bots day/night must equal the number of spawnpoints you create.

  • Administrator


Glad you got sorted.

Yeah, you can add as many or as few spawnpoints as you want, but that doesn't relate to the number of npcs you actually want to spawn.

If you create 'too many' spawnpoints, then you have randomisation - Less predictable for players.
If you create too few spots, then BotReSpawn uses them all then spawns the remaining required npcs at randomly found spots around the area.



Only problem now is my factions aren't fighting each other.  Does their faction number have to be above zero?  I have a ground bot that's faction 0 and a sniper bot that's faction 2, yet the sniper won't attack the ground bot.  I changed the sniper bot's Target_HumanNPC and Target_Other_Npcs to "Attack", but that didn't seem to help, either.  What am I missing?

  • Administrator


Sorry profain - I missed this reply somehow.

Yes - Faction of 0 is the odd one out. 0 means that profile wont attack others, and others wont attack it.
To make two profiles fight eachother you'd want to set faction+subfaction for both to something other than zero then, of course, make them different for each profile so they aren't allies.



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