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bot just stops after a few minuts

Not a Bug 1.0.0



16.06 14:27:57 [PebbleHost Loader] ----------------------------------------------
16.06 14:27:57 [PebbleHost Loader] PebbleHost Bot Loader now starting...
16.06 14:27:57 [PebbleHost Loader] Running loader version Bot-1.0.0
16.06 14:27:57 [PebbleHost Loader] Attempting to boot with the following settings: SERVER ID: 312012, MEMORY: 1024M
16.06 14:27:57 [PebbleHost Loader] Found package.json
16.06 14:27:57 [PebbleHost Loader] Installing NodeJS v16.6.0 (this may take a minute)
16.06 14:28:02 [PebbleHost Loader] Updating NPM packages (command output is in logs/2022-06-16_12-27-57.txt)...
16.06 14:28:03 [PebbleHost Loader] Checking if 'npm start' command is set up in package.json
16.06 14:28:03 [PebbleHost Loader] Didn't find a start command - will use the main file index.js
16.06 14:28:03 [PebbleHost Loader] ----------------------------------------------
16.06 14:28:03 [Bot] Error: Expected token to be set for this request, but none was present
16.06 14:28:03 [Bot] at _RequestManager.resolveRequest (/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.js:827:15)
16.06 14:28:03 [Bot] at _RequestManager.queueRequest (/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.js:799:40)
16.06 14:28:03 [Bot] at REST.request (/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.js:936:32)
16.06 14:28:03 [Bot] at REST.put (/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.js:930:17)
16.06 14:28:03 [Bot] at /slash-register.js:23:28
16.06 14:28:03 [Bot] at /slash-register.js:31:11
16.06 14:28:03 [Bot] at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
16.06 14:28:03 [Bot] at module.exports (/slash-register.js:17:20)
16.06 14:28:03 [Bot] at Object.<anonymous> (/index.js:3:28)
16.06 14:28:03 [Bot] at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1101:14)
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] DiscordAPIError[50001]: Missing Access
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] at SequentialHandler.runRequest (/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.js:708:15)
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] at async SequentialHandler.queueRequest (/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.js:511:14)
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] at async /slash-register.js:23:17 {
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] rawError: { message: 'Missing Access', code: 50001 },
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] code: 50001,
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] status: 403,
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] method: 'put',
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] url: 'https://discord.com/api/v9/applications/707720722746966107/guilds/879433658161827951/commands',
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] requestBody: { files: undefined, json: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ] }
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] }
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] (1/2) => 💛 [ BeePerBot#2625 ] is online has come online
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] (1/2) => 💛 [ BeePerBot#2625 ] is attempting a connection to
16.06 14:28:04 [Bot] (1/2) => 💚 [ BeePerBot#2625 ] has successfully connected to
16.06 14:28:14 [Bot] (1/2) => 👉 [ BeePerBot#2625 ] status: (0/3) ⇋ (1 Joining!)
16.06 14:28:24 [Bot] (1/2) => 👉 [ BeePerBot#2625 ] status: (0/3) ⇋ (1 Joining!)
16.06 14:28:34 [Bot] (1/2) => 👉 [ BeePerBot#2625 ] status: (0/3) ⇋ (1 Joining!)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] /node_modules/discord.js/src/client/WebhookClient.js:36
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] if (!url || url.length <= 1) throw new Error('WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID');
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] ^
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] Error [WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID]: The provided webhook URL is not valid.
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at new WebhookClient (/node_modules/discord.js/src/client/WebhookClient.js:36:42)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at Client.<anonymous> (/events/rconConnection.js:316:26)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at Client.emit (node:events:394:28)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at WebSocket.onMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/src/client/websocket/ws.js:55:15)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at WebSocket.onMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/event-target.js:120:16)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at WebSocket.emit (node:events:394:28)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at Receiver.receiverOnMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/websocket.js:789:20)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at Receiver.emit (node:events:394:28)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at Receiver.dataMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:422:14)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at Receiver.getData (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:352:17) {
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] [Symbol(code)]: 'WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID'
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] }
16.06 14:28:43 [PebbleHost] Server shut down (running)
16.06 14:28:43 [PebbleHost] Server stopped



You provided an invalid webhook in one of the webhook sections.
You need to provide a webhook in said section, or disable the logging for that section 



Posted (edited)

ok will try

Edited by BeePssY


i have tryed with only chat logs on now and i have confirmed the webhook is valid and stil it shuts down. now it shuts down when i type something ingame.



5 minutes ago, BeePssY said:

i have tryed with only chat logs on now and i have confirmed the webhook is valid and stil it shuts down. now it shuts down when i type something ingame.

This error is telling me different.

16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] if (!url || url.length <= 1) throw new Error('WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID');
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] ^
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] Error [WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID]: The provided webhook URL is not valid.
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at new WebhookClient (/node_modules/discord.js/src/client/WebhookClient.js:36:42)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at Client.<anonymous> (/events/rconConnection.js:316:26)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at Client.emit (node:events:394:28)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at WebSocket.onMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/src/client/websocket/ws.js:55:15)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at WebSocket.onMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/event-target.js:120:16)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at WebSocket.emit (node:events:394:28)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at Receiver.receiverOnMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/websocket.js:789:20)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at Receiver.emit (node:events:394:28)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at Receiver.dataMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:422:14)
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] at Receiver.getData (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:352:17) {
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] [Symbol(code)]: 'WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID'
16.06 14:28:43 [Bot] }

I'd be able to support you much quicker if you join my support Discord. Everything is very simple through there



tryed to say test in chat.

17.06 17:11:39 [Bot] (1/2) => 👉 [ BeePerBot#2625 ] status: (1/3) Online!..
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] /node_modules/discord.js/src/client/WebhookClient.js:36
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] if (!url || url.length <= 1) throw new Error('WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID');
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] ^
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] Error [WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID]: The provided webhook URL is not valid.
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at new WebhookClient (/node_modules/discord.js/src/client/WebhookClient.js:36:42)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at Client.<anonymous> (/events/rconConnection.js:387:30)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at Client.emit (node:events:527:28)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at WebSocket.onMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/src/client/websocket/ws.js:55:15)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at WebSocket.onMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/event-target.js:120:16)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at WebSocket.emit (node:events:527:28)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at Receiver.receiverOnMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/websocket.js:789:20)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at Receiver.emit (node:events:527:28)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at Receiver.dataMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:422:14)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at Receiver.getData (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:352:17) {
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] [Symbol(code)]: 'WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID'
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] }



18 minutes ago, BeePssY said:

tryed to say test in chat.

17.06 17:11:39 [Bot] (1/2) => 👉 [ BeePerBot#2625 ] status: (1/3) Online!..
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] /node_modules/discord.js/src/client/WebhookClient.js:36
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] if (!url || url.length <= 1) throw new Error('WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID');
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] ^
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] Error [WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID]: The provided webhook URL is not valid.
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at new WebhookClient (/node_modules/discord.js/src/client/WebhookClient.js:36:42)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at Client.<anonymous> (/events/rconConnection.js:387:30)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at Client.emit (node:events:527:28)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at WebSocket.onMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/src/client/websocket/ws.js:55:15)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at WebSocket.onMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/event-target.js:120:16)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at WebSocket.emit (node:events:527:28)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at Receiver.receiverOnMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/websocket.js:789:20)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at Receiver.emit (node:events:527:28)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at Receiver.dataMessage (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:422:14)
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] at Receiver.getData (/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:352:17) {
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] [Symbol(code)]: 'WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID'
17.06 17:11:48 [Bot] }

Like I said, you have an invalid webhook.
And now that you've narrowed it down, it's one of your chatlogs webhooks.



am i getting the webhook in a faulty way?

i click on settings on the destination chat channel then on intergrations for so webhook (new webhook) and click save and (copy Webhook URL) and paste it in 

                "GLOBAL_CHAT_LOGS": {
                    "ENABLED": true,
                    "GLOBAL_CHAT_WEBHOOK": "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/987409078382895144/p5Ei_GCKXa_i_vkTc2MNux3H8HcaN-YptlU-rYnHd4FuH6XnZRk8DXa2s-oOkCVbwntH",
                    "EMBED_COLOR": "#00ff26"



The webhook looks correct, I'd say make a new one and try again.
Because that is where the error is coming from.



i have tryed 2 different ones now.



Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug



Are you able to join the support Discord, it would be much easier to provide support there



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