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Joint Strain Corrupted When Different Types Crafted

Closed 1.0.4

  • in Ganja


When a user crafts multiple types of joints, the joint strain is corrupted in inventory.  It seems to turn all joints into the first type crafted.  This robs users of higher strain joints, and enables them to glitch craft higher strain joints as well.  This can also happen when shuffling around in inventory.  In addition, none of my hemp plants that are planted on the server are creating seeds?  



Are you using stack size controller or anything similar to modify stacksize? Normally it is not intended for joints to stack.




I have the same problem, and yes I have a stacksize controller, every idiot has it, please don't push it onto the controller but do something about it or tell us what we can do, there must be an item in the stack controller that we shouldn't stack , I guess the horseshoes ? but what is a pity I like to go out with 4-5 purple haze map bosses clap, ok Super Card Plugin had the same problem but he managed to get the ID card to be called a red card again but kept the effect.



21 hours ago, Jank said:

When a user crafts multiple types of joints, the joint strain is corrupted in inventory.  It seems to turn all joints into the first type crafted.  This robs users of higher strain joints, and enables them to glitch craft higher strain joints as well.  This can also happen when shuffling around in inventory.  In addition, none of my hemp plants that are planted on the server are creating seeds?  


if you grow any plant in the bed, it will no longer give seeds, only wild plants give seeds, you have to clone your plants




Ok, I have the Solution, and it's simple and Beautiful. i deleted stacksize contoler, and loaded this beautiful plugin, stack modifierer has skin support, and that way you can NOT stack the different joints, ganja and purple haze, so that purple haze becomes ganja, but you can use it to make purple haze joints stack and they stay purple haze yay 😇  

For Free Freeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! 



9 hours ago, Herrcooles said:


if you grow any plant in the bed, it will no longer give seeds, only wild plants give seeds, you have to clone your plants

This is the normal behavior of Rust and not a bug



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