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Convoy not staying in group

Closed 1.1.7


I get on from time to time to check on things and I'll see the car with the Locked Crate on it stuck on a pole, I'll see another sedan driving around on the other side of the map, Heli is off doing it's own thing, etc. I have a normal Procedural map. Any ideas what could be causing this? I do have Monument Bradley and have that Bradley roaming Ring Road. I did see them run into each other and Heli was flying upside down, sideways, backwards, etc. They eventually pushed that other Bradley out of the way but then they kept ramming into each other. 

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Also noticed this conflicts with Heli Control. I have the Heli's health set to 25,000 in that one but when I call in a Heli it is set to 10,000 like I have in the Convoy config

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16 hours ago, T-Nuts said:

I get on from time to time to check on things and I'll see the car with the Locked Crate on it stuck on a pole, I'll see another sedan driving around on the other side of the map, Heli is off doing it's own thing, etc. I have a normal Procedural map. Any ideas what could be causing this? I do have Monument Bradley and have that Bradley roaming Ring Road. I did see them run into each other and Heli was flying upside down, sideways, backwards, etc. They eventually pushed that other Bradley out of the way but then they kept ramming into each other. 

Please record a video and send it to me in discord Adem#9554

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