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WarMode Loaind

Pending 1.3.1



I have my server set to restart automatically daily at 6am est. After restart warmode is the only plugin that will not load. Unless i reload the plugin thru Rcon, all other plugins load up just fine, any ideas?



Thats very bizarre, I haven't heard of that issue before... is there any error in the server console?



15 hours ago, Mr01sam said:

Thats very bizarre, I haven't heard of that issue before... is there any error in the server console?

Ill do a restart and post the log here for you to see



Unloaded plugin AdminMenu v2.1.6 by k1lly0u
Unloaded plugin Admin Radar v5.4.0 by nivex
Unloaded plugin AutomatedMessages v2.1.0 by beee
Unloaded plugin BotReSpawn v1.3.3 by Steenamaroo
Unloaded plugin ChaosExtensionDownloader v0.1.1 by k1lly0u
Unloaded plugin Chest Stacks v1.4.1 by supreme
Unloaded plugin Copy Paste v4.2.0 by misticos
Unloaded plugin Furnace Stacks v1.0.5 by supreme
Unloaded plugin Image Library v2.0.62 by Absolut & K1lly0u
Unloaded plugin Kits v4.4.4 by k1lly0u
Unloaded plugin No Give Notices v0.3.0 by Wulf
Unloaded plugin No Green v1.3.10 by Iv Misticos
Calling 'Unload' on 'RaidableBases v2.9.9' took 259ms
Unloaded plugin Raidable Bases v2.9.9 by nivex
Unloaded plugin Tech Tree Rmover v3.0.0 by Razor
Unloaded plugin StacksExtended v2.0.18 by k1lly0u
Unloaded plugin Vanish v1.9.0 by Whispers88
Unloaded plugin War Mode Admin Panel v1.1.0 by mr01sam
Unloaded plugin War Mode Badges v1.0.0 by mr01sam
Unloaded plugin War Mode Rules UI v1.1.0 by mr01sam
Unloaded plugin War Mode Spawn UI v1.0.3 by mr01sam
Unloaded plugin WarMode v1.3.1 by mr01sam
Unloaded plugin Custom Helicopter Tiers v2.5.1 by Dana
Unloaded plugin Ammo HUD v1.2.1 by beee
Invalidate Network Cache took 0.01 seconds
Saved 41,130 ents, cache(0.94), write(0.04), disk(0.02).
Saving complete

"This is the begining of the restart!"






Gamemode Convar :
No Gamemode.
SteamServer Initialized
IP address from external API:
[AutomatedMessages] Cached replies for "en, es, it, ru, zh" languages.
[AutomatedMessages] Started 1 chat timer.
[AutomatedMessages] Cached 0 auto reply keyword patterns.
[AutomatedMessages] Registered 0 chat commands.
ChaosExtensionDownloader.cs is just a downloader plugin and can be deleted after the Chaos extension has been installed
Loading inbuilt skin manifest from GitHub...
Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'RaidableBases v2.9.9' took 144ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'StacksExtended v2.0.18' took 681ms
[Tech Tree Rmover] This Plugin Sets The Convar useLegacyWorkbenchInteraction to true and will need to manly be reset back to useLegacyWorkbenchInteraction false if not longer is use.
Covalence command alias already exists: rules
WarModeRulesUI has replaced the 'rules' command previously registered by WarModeRulesUI     <-----------THIS IS ALL I SEE FROM PLUGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Server startup complete
container@fragify~ Server marked as running...
[Rust.MapCache] Map uploaded to backend: https://files.facepunch.com/rust/maps/1f2dfed77e63fd50a45f9836d329e9a8c22ef232f1114287349cfa73774f5c1e/proceduralmap.3500.1337.262_1f2dfed77e63fd50a45f9836d329e9a8.map
Skin manifest imported successfully
SteamServer Connected
[Image Library] Starting order Kits
Image batch (Kits) has been stored successfully
[Admin Radar] Cached 3508/41214 entities in 11.581779 seconds!
Loaded 182 items from RaidableBases/Difficulty_Loot/Easy
Loaded 197 items from RaidableBases/Difficulty_Loot/Medium
Loaded 208 items from RaidableBases/Difficulty_Loot/Hard
Loaded 190 items from RaidableBases/Difficulty_Loot/Expert
Loaded 221 items from RaidableBases/Difficulty_Loot/Nightmare
Loaded 4 items from RaidableBases/Base_Loot/Easy Bases
Loaded 4 items from RaidableBases/Base_Loot/Expert Bases
Loaded 143 items from RaidableBases/Base_Loot/Hard Bases
Loaded 4 items from RaidableBases/Base_Loot/Medium Bases
Loaded 4 items from RaidableBases/Base_Loot/Nightmare Bases
BradleyAPC Spawned at :(-76.94, 29.22, -358.91)
Checking for new Steam Item Definitions..
Invalid Position: generic_world[17341740] shotgun.double (world) (-902.34, -502.55, -624.09) (destroying)
Invalid Position: generic_world[17346056] jackhammer (world) (-649.69, -502.77, -105.84) (destroying)
[RaidableBases] 25% loaded (1334 potential points)
[RaidableBases] 50% loaded (2606 potential points)
[RaidableBases] 75% loaded (3501 potential points)
[RaidableBases] 100% loaded (4000 potential points)
[RaidableBases] Grid initialization completed in 34 seconds and 787 milliseconds on a 3500 size map with 4000 potential points.
Spawning dungeon with seed :8537730
Server DoGeneration,calling routine update nav mesh
Dungeon Building navmesh
Starting Navmesh Source Collecting
Spawning dungeon with seed :11923380
Server DoGeneration,calling routine update nav mesh
Dungeon Building navmesh
Starting Navmesh Source Collecting
Spawning dungeon with seed :5339828
Server DoGeneration,calling routine update nav mesh
Dungeon Building navmesh
Starting Navmesh Source Collecting
Navmesh Source Collecting took 0.05 seconds
Starting Monument Navmesh Build with 38 sources
Navmesh Source Collecting took 0.04 seconds
Starting Monument Navmesh Build with 14 sources
Navmesh Source Collecting took 0.03 seconds
Starting Monument Navmesh Build with 47 sources
Monument Navmesh Build took 0.25 seconds
Dungeon done!
Monument Navmesh Build took 0.26 seconds
Dungeon done!
Monument Navmesh Build took 0.26 seconds
Dungeon done!
Spawning dungeon with seed :5009488
Server DoGeneration,calling routine update nav mesh
Dungeon Building navmesh
Starting Navmesh Source Collecting
Navmesh Source Collecting took 0.01 seconds
Starting Monument Navmesh Build with 22 sources
Monument Navmesh Build took 0.27 seconds
Dungeon done!



Listing 23 plugins:
  01 "AdminMenu" (2.1.6) by k1lly0u (0.09s / 3 MB) - AdminMenu.cs
  02 "Admin Radar" (5.4.0) by nivex (0.04s / 2 MB) - AdminRadar.cs
  03 "Ammo HUD" (1.2.1) by beee (0.04s / 836 KB) - AmmoHUD.cs
  04 "AutomatedMessages" (2.1.0) by beee (0.02s / 1 MB) - AutomatedMessages.cs
  05 "BotReSpawn" (1.3.3) by Steenamaroo (3.17s / 20 MB) - BotReSpawn.cs
  06 "ChaosExtensionDownloader" (0.1.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s / 136 KB) - ChaosExtensionDownloader.cs
  07 "Chest Stacks" (1.4.1) by supreme (0.01s / 140 KB) - ChestStacks.cs
  08 "Copy Paste" (4.2.0) by misticos (0.02s / 2 MB) - CopyPaste.cs
  09 "Custom Helicopter Tiers" (2.5.1) by Dana (0.22s / 7 MB) - CustomHelicopterTiers.cs
  10 "Furnace Stacks" (1.0.5) by supreme (0.00s / 12 KB) - FurnaceStacks.cs
  11 "Image Library" (2.0.62) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.12s / 14 MB) - ImageLibrary.cs
  12 "Kits" (4.4.4) by k1lly0u (0.06s / 976 KB) - Kits.cs
  13 "No Give Notices" (0.3.0) by Wulf (0.00s / 0 B) - NoGiveNotices.cs
  14 "No Green" (1.3.10) by Iv Misticos (0.00s / 0 B) - NoGreen.cs
  15 "Raidable Bases" (2.9.9) by nivex (0.19s / 80 KB) - RaidableBases.cs
  16 "StacksExtended" (2.0.18) by k1lly0u (0.74s / 24 MB) - StacksExtended.cs
  17 "Tech Tree Rmover" (3.0.0) by Razor (0.00s / 32 KB) - TechTreeRemover.cs
  18 "Vanish" (1.9.0) by Whispers88 (0.00s / 4 KB) - Vanish.cs
  19 "WarMode" (1.3.1) by mr01sam (0.03s / 432 KB) - WarMode.cs
  20 "War Mode Admin Panel" (1.1.0) by mr01sam (0.00s / 0 B) - WarModeAdminPanel.cs
  21 "War Mode Badges" (1.0.0) by mr01sam (0.00s / 0 B) - WarModeBadges.cs
  22 "War Mode Rules UI" (1.1.0) by mr01sam (0.00s / 48 KB) - WarModeRulesUI.cs
  23 "War Mode Spawn UI" (1.0.3) by mr01sam (0.06s / 8 MB) - WarModeSpawnUI.cs



So I jumped on the server right after restart and the plugin was not loaded or running, I typed in console o.reload warmode


[CSharp] Started Oxide.Compiler v successfully
WarMode, WarModeAdminPanel, WarModeBadges, WarModeRulesUI and WarModeSpawnUI were compiled successfully in 2518ms
Unloaded plugin War Mode Admin Panel v1.1.0 by mr01sam
Unloaded plugin War Mode Badges v1.0.0 by mr01sam
Unloaded plugin War Mode Rules UI v1.1.0 by mr01sam
Unloaded plugin War Mode Spawn UI v1.0.3 by mr01sam
Unloaded plugin WarMode v1.3.1 by mr01sam
Loaded plugin WarMode v1.3.1 by mr01sam
Loaded plugin War Mode Admin Panel v1.1.0 by mr01sam
Loaded plugin War Mode Badges v1.0.0 by mr01sam
Covalence command alias already exists: rules
WarModeRulesUI has replaced the 'rules' command previously registered by WarModeRulesUI
Loaded plugin War Mode Rules UI v1.1.0 by mr01sam
Loaded plugin War Mode Spawn UI v1.0.3 by mr01sam



Im confused, doesnt oxide say its loaded right here?




its seems like its loading but its not started or running unless i reload it in rcon

Peter Friesenbichler


I think that only the symbol is no longer there after rejoining but the plugin itself is already running



not running, everything goes back to vanilla after restart, no pve protection on any thing until reload of plaugin!



Maybe you could reach out to me on discord so I can help in more depth?

Discord - mr01sam



ok, sure will, thanks



ok, I cant find you on discord anywhere, i checked codefling and serching by your name, nothing, my discord is sinister ,that my name



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