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error: Unauthorized

Pending 1.4.82



Loaded plugin MapVoter v1.4.82 by Kaysharp
[MapVoter] Error: Unauthorized
[MapVoter] Error: Unauthorized
[MapVoter] Error: Unauthorized
[MapVoter] Auto Starting Map vote.
Loaded plugin MapVoter v1.4.82 by Kaysharp
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Oxide.Plugins.MapVoter+<PostRequest>d__169.MoveNext () [0x002ca] in <634ae6dc03e74b09b2af1499066a3383>:0 
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <935634f5cc14479dbaa30641d55600a9>:0 

MapVoter can't start a Vote, with and without Bot enabled.

I also entered my rustmaps ID as an ORG ID as a test, but that didn't help either.

So it's not working for me again with the plugin... unfortunately I always just wipe a few times where it works and then it doesn't work again 😢

I'm not getting any other error messages either, except that every now and then when I test it, it can't find the directory for the server.cfg. I could fix that error, but unfortunately I have no idea where to start with the one mentioned above.

API key is also correct.

- a vote could not be started

- a wipe was also not initiated

Hope for help...

Non Dedicated Server - Don't have permission to change start cmd



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