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The rocket bullet drawing remains

Closed 1.2.2 1.2.4


Posted (edited)

I tried reducing the number of plugins and creating a one-grid map, but the drawing still remained.
I don't think there are any plugins that would change the explosives.
These rockets are radioactive, making them capable of taking down bosses from the boss plugin in one hit.
It displays normally if you unload Nade Plus.

I am using oxide on a Windows server.

Attach a text list of plugins



Edited by hid333


what was the f15 nade shooting at ? there is no body of a player or npc scientist



and the f15 nade dont make a zone (which is the only way nadeplus applies radiation)

so please explain what grenade was thrown



It's not a grenade. It's a rocket.
When you load this plugin, for some reason it affects the rocket, and the image remains as shown in the image.
Unloading the plugin will return it to normal.



Ill look at code but rocket only gets spawned when f15 grenades get thrown



Other question i got what is the world position of this . And does it appear on plugin load and disappear on unload of nadeplus



And then you say on unload . The rocket returns to normal . What rocket . Where did it come from . As this plugin is about grenades not rockets



As mentioned above, when you install NadePlus,
for some reason, it affects rockets.

I point out that even though it's a grenade plugin, it also affects rockets.

If you hold a rocket launcher in your hand, reload some rockets,
and fire a rocket, you'll see the effect immediately.
Removing NadePlus will return things to normal.

I'm using a translation site, but it shouldn't be too difficult to understand.


Posted (edited)

But nade plus dont effect rockets via code .. and that does not happen on my server . So any errors in console? 

Edited by NooBlet


here is my test with your explanation . NadePlus loaded . shoot rocket . not rocket remains and no radiation


so this must be something (plugin) your side that is doing something weird . check console and look for errors so we can see whats happening .

just as a note , this is not a empty test server . this was on my own server filled with plugins and players




I understand.
If I remove NadePlus it works fine,
so I think there is probably a compatibility issue with some other plugin. I will look into it.
It's sad that I can't use it because it's just a plugin I liked...



i understand but  i cant fix something that the plugin does not do . just look at console to see if there is any errors so we can find the problem\




I have confirmed that it works fine with the previous version, version 1.2.1
I will use that version.



Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce




Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15683864]" at (-1256.43, 40.74, 74.54)
[Nade Plus] owner null
[PlayerRanks] PlayerRanks local database was saved.
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15683883]" at (-1253.24, 40.80, 73.51)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15683927]" at (-1253.26, 40.80, 73.53)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15684041]" at (-1253.50, 40.62, 72.65)
Checking for new Steam Item Definitions..
[Nade Plus] owner null
[Nade Plus] owner null
[Nade Plus] owner null
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693277]" at (-1249.83, 41.51, 71.85)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693284]" at (-1250.33, 41.51, 72.21)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693289]" at (-1251.42, 41.51, 73.02)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693291]" at (-1253.11, 41.51, 74.13)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693293]" at (-1249.44, 41.51, 71.57)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693295]" at (-1248.37, 41.51, 70.78)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693297]" at (-1251.81, 41.51, 73.30)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693299]" at (-1253.28, 41.51, 74.37)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693301]" at (-1251.71, 41.51, 73.00)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693303]" at (-1249.55, 41.51, 71.91)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693305]" at (-1248.41, 41.51, 70.63)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693307]" at (-1250.07, 41.51, 72.03)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693309]" at (-1251.30, 41.51, 72.93)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693311]" at (-1251.08, 41.51, 72.78)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693313]" at (-1252.64, 41.51, 73.91)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693320]" at (-1247.48, 41.51, 70.13)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693322]" at (-1249.05, 41.51, 71.28)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693329]" at (-1248.07, 41.51, 70.56)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693335]" at (-1248.71, 41.51, 71.16)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693337]" at (-1249.87, 41.51, 71.56)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693339]" at (-1251.04, 41.51, 73.33)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693341]" at (-1252.46, 41.51, 73.28)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693343]" at (-1252.73, 41.51, 74.72)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693345]" at (-1253.32, 41.51, 74.23)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693347]" at (-1251.49, 41.51, 73.02)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693349]" at (-1249.57, 41.51, 72.24)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693351]" at (-1248.46, 41.51, 71.02)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693353]" at (-1247.60, 41.51, 69.98)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693357]" at (-1248.09, 41.51, 70.34)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693359]" at (-1249.41, 41.51, 71.90)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693361]" at (-1250.65, 41.51, 73.11)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693363]" at (-1252.78, 41.51, 73.76)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693365]" at (-1254.26, 41.51, 74.76)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693367]" at (-1253.28, 41.51, 74.42)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693369]" at (-1251.55, 41.51, 73.12)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693371]" at (-1250.65, 41.51, 71.94)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693373]" at (-1249.36, 41.51, 70.78)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693375]" at (-1247.30, 41.51, 70.16)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693377]" at (-1246.56, 41.49, 69.45)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693379]" at (-1248.16, 41.51, 70.49)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693381]" at (-1249.60, 41.51, 71.50)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693383]" at (-1251.45, 41.51, 72.24)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693385]" at (-1252.53, 41.51, 73.77)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693387]" at (-1254.45, 41.50, 75.00)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693389]" at (-1254.66, 41.26, 76.95)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693391]" at (-1254.15, 41.51, 75.14)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693393]" at (-1253.16, 41.51, 73.85)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693395]" at (-1251.22, 41.51, 72.75)
[Nade Plus] owner null
Flechen[76561197995868362] spawned "rocket_mlrs[15693402]" at (-1249.31, 41.51, 71.73)
[Nade Plus] owner null




so with the help of @JustANoob we figured out that this happens when not deleting 2.1.1 config before updating . and a excessive amount of f15 rocketing a lot of npc's

so to fix you need to completely wipe server (map needs to be regenerated ) and clean install of nade plus (and delete config before hand to make new one)

then this does not happen . seems there is a error that has to do with a corrupted config file . but when it breaks the map needs to go(complete server wipe) . fix update coming next 1.2.4



Changed Fixed In to Next Version



Changed Status from Can't Reproduce to Closed



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