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Doesn't seem to work

Can't Reproduce 1.1.15




For some reason, this plugin isn't working for me, at least. I haven't had any issues before wipe and I've updated to the latest verison yet, offline players are still be raided. 



Likewise, the plugin loads without any errors, but permissions do not appear for the plugin
Also no commands from the plugin works either



If you encounter a bug or problem with this plugin, it is a good idea to report it. When reporting a bug, please be as descriptive as possible so that it can be addressed more quickly and is more likely to be fixed. Please state whether you are using Carbon or Oxide and which version.

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I would like to be as descriptive as possible, however the plugin doesnt have any configuration to enable debug mode or smth similar
Because at the moment it does not give any errors, the plugin loads up fine on the console, also the configuration file does get created
But /raidprot or any other command does not work, also no new permission get added to the permission manager
Using latest Offline raid protection 1.1.15 version and latest Carbon+Rust production versions



16 minutes ago, Sethas said:

I would like to be as descriptive as possible, however the plugin doesnt have any configuration to enable debug mode or smth similar
Because at the moment it does not give any errors, the plugin loads up fine on the console, also the configuration file does get created
But /raidprot or any other command does not work, also no new permission get added to the permission manager
Using latest Offline raid protection 1.1.15 version and latest Carbon+Rust production versions

What does "c.plugininfo OfflineRaidProtection" print to your console?



OfflineRaidProtection v1.1.15 by realedwin
  Path:                   /home/container/carbon/plugins/OfflineRaidProtection.cs
  Compile Time:           257ms
  Int.CallHook Gen Time:  29ms
  Uptime:                 57s
  Total Hook Time:        48ms
  Total Memory Used:      6.9 mb
  Internal Hook Override: True
  Has Conditionals:       True
  Mod Package:            Scripts (81)
  Processor:              Script Processor [.cs]
  Carbon CUI:             0 pooled, 0 used
  Permissions:            offlineraidprotection.protect
  Id          Hook                  Time  Fires  Memory    Lag  Subscribed  Async & Overrides
  2278850931  Loaded                24ms  1      6.6 mb         *           0 / 1            
  352240293   OnServerInitialized   13ms  1      280.0 kb       *           0 / 1            
  2815160424  OnNewSave                                         *           0 / 1            
  2396958305  OnServerSave          0ms   1      4.0 kb         *           0 / 1            
  4006810030  Unload                                            *           0 / 1            
  2848347654  OnPlayerConnected                                 *           0 / 1            
  72085565    OnPlayerDisconnected  1ms   1                     *           0 / 1            
  4255507790  OnUserNameUpdated                                 *           0 / 1            
  952055589   OnEntityTakeDamage    8ms   1,104  28.0 kb        *           0 / 1            
  3051933177  OnPluginLoaded        0ms   1                     *           0 / 1            
  1250294368  OnPluginUnloaded                                  *           0 / 1            
  2528539314  OnTeamDisband                                                 0 / 1            
  3265417256  OnTeamKick                                                    0 / 1            
  2913633678  OnTeamLeave                                                   0 / 1            
  313256762   LoadDefaultMessages   1ms   1      4.0 kb         *           0 / 1 

added the plugin again and wrote "c.plugininfo OfflineRaidProtection" - output ^


Posted (edited)

Seems that the issue might just have been with the PermissionsManager plugin (the permissions for OfflineRaidProtection do not appear there (between N and P, cuz it sorts plugins alphabetically)), i was able to find the permissions for OfflineRaidProtection via carbon panel (/cpanel)

Apologies for the troubles, it works now, it was all my fault.
What probably messed me up is what i did:
1. installed the plugin and didn't find permissions for it on PermissionsManager
2. Tried /raidprot command, which didn't give me any "no permission" error
3. Tried to give "offlineraidprotection.admin" to myself using c.grant manually and then tried /raidprot again, which didn't give me any output again
4. So i assumed that it must be a plugin issue, while it was my fault, didn't knew that /raidprot only works when offlineraidprotection.protect is granted

For anyone else who might run into similar issue, try granting the permissions to player groups manually using o.grant/c.grant
Or for carbon users, use /cpanel and then you can find permissions for it there

Edited by Sethas
edited a few typos
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Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce



On 11/8/2024 at 3:12 PM, realedwin said:

If you encounter a bug or problem with this plugin, it is a good idea to report it. When reporting a bug, please be as descriptive as possible so that it can be addressed more quickly and is more likely to be fixed. Please state whether you are using Carbon or Oxide and which version.

Not sure why this guy hijacked my support ticket but:

I'm working on Oxide - I have the latest File Update

When I type: c.plugininfo OfflineRaidProtection -- nothing comes up (even with the c replaced with o).

The plugin loads fine, no errors, it simple doesn't response to anything (commands, etc)





On 11/10/2024 at 6:11 PM, Stark said:

Not sure why this guy hijacked my support ticket but:

I'm working on Oxide - I have the latest File Update

When I type: c.plugininfo OfflineRaidProtection -- nothing comes up (even with the c replaced with o).

The plugin loads fine, no errors, it simple doesn't response to anything (commands, etc)


OfflineRaidProtection.json 16.08 kB · 2 downloads

Oxide doesn't include this command. You will need to set permissions to run the commands.

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6 hours ago, realedwin said:

Oxide doesn't include this command. You will need to set permissions to run the commands.

I just re-installed everything from scratch it works now. No worries. Simply a dumb glitch. 

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