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Pending 1.0.0


At this point in time, the plugin is severely lacking due to a very important issue that the dev is already aware of but hasn't fixed just yet.

If a player uses up all of their raids for the day, they're rendered completely unable to defend against a raid on their own base as attacking the raiding team's raidbase actively counts as a raid meaning no damage can be done. 

Different structures within the same compound also count as separate raids (e.g. raiding one team's farm & main base = 2 raids counted) when realistically raids on the same team's structures should be grouped into one raid.

How I'd recommend fixing this:

As soon as a player's base is attacked, they can attack the offending player's raid-base/structures without it affecting raid limit for a short time (resets everytime damage is done)

Group raids of multiple bases/buildings belonging to one team into a single raid to avoid one raid taking up multiple slots from a player's daily limit

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