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Bradley skin ID

Not a Bug 1.1.2



Hello! I have worked with several other events developers and they have always added me a Bradley ID or given me the ID that their plugin has given to bradley.

I have a cooldown on the Default Spawning launch site Bradley with Loot Defender of 60 Minutes. But if a player is on cooldown and they start this event to get a new bradley they cannot complete the event because it says they are on cooldown from killing the bradley.

I’d like to add the bradley ID from your plugin into LootDefender plugin so it can ignore your plugins bradleys so players don’t waste their RP by accident.

Thanks for any help with this issue 🙂

Here are the IDS the other plugin developers gave me to fix this issue 🙂

“Player Lockouts (0 = ignore)”: {
“Time Between Bradley In Minutes”: 60.0,
“Time Between Heli In Minutes”: 0.0,
“Lockout Entire Team”: false,
“Lockout Entire Clan”: false,
“Exclude Members Offline For More Than X Minutes”: 15.0,
“Lockouts Ignored For Entities With Skin ID”: [



Hello, I'm not entirely sure I understand the request here. The plugin uses a default bradley. We don't assign any special ID to it. Skin IDs are typically used for assigning a specific skin to an entity. Not a way to identify a specific entity. I also don't see why you should need each plugin to do this. You could just one plugin check when a bradley dies and check it's location or something to identify if it's the event bradley.



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