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How is output calulated ?

Not a Bug 2.0.0



I have the followin section in my config for personal quarry

        "ShortName": "diesel_barrel",
        "SkinID": 0,
        "Amount": 1,
        "How many seconds can quarry work on one consume of this fuel?": 60.0,
        "Resource production interval on this fuel (seconds)": 60.0,
        "Gathering resources on this fuel": [
            "Custom name (empty = default)": "",
            "ShortName": "stones",
            "SkinID": 0,
            "Amount": 754,
            "Amount max": 754,
            "Probability [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "Do not use permission rates": false

this is in the Production section. I make sure the output is empty, I add 1 barrel of diesel and start the quarry. Its all processed in 60 seconds as expected, but the output of the stone is 1658. This is approximatly 2.2 times more than I would have expected. This seems to happen for all items produced. Eg in the same production I have 3 items that should have produced 150 but they all produced 330 (again about 2.2 times more than I would have expected). In the controls for the above diesel with stone output it also says 754 consumed every 60 seconds and producing every 60 seconds.

Have I missed something ?



Correct... The default permissions were still in place and I didnt realise I was affecting them (I was admin + I had the VIP permissions....

All figures calculate correctly now. Thanks.

P.S. A great plugin. Well worth it.



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