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error console

Closed 1.2.17 1.2.18




Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab/RotorPivot/patrol_helicopter/tail_rotor_col"

Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab/RotorPivot/patrol_helicopter/main_rotor_col"

Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab/RotorPivot/patrol_helicopter/engine_col"

Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab/RotorPivot/patrol_helicopter/ColliderWorld"

Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab/RotorPivot/patrol_helicopter"

Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab/RotorPivot/patrol_helicopter/tail_rotor_col"

Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab/RotorPivot/patrol_helicopter/main_rotor_col"

Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab/RotorPivot/patrol_helicopter/engine_col"

Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab/RotorPivot/patrol_helicopter/ColliderWorld"

spamming this



Copy and pasting an error messages is rarely of use to anyone on it’s own. When posting support issues, please also include as much detail as you can about when the error happens, what caused it, was it a one off or is it happening often, any other info surrounding the event.

That error typically happens when a heli glitches under terrain, which can happen if you have heli speed particularly high.

Beyond this you haven’t given me anymore info to comment further.



this happen when player play nightmare heli , and suddenly heli will glitches under terrain

and when it spamming that , all my player got red word on the screen

"Heli Signal (Nightmare)": {
        "Number of helicopters called to the player": 1,
        "Helicopter display name": "Heli Signal (Nightmare)",
        "Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal": 3099117372,
        "Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)": "nightmare",
        "Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command": true,
        "Cost to purchase (using buy command)": 15000,
        "Starting health": 120000.0,
        "Main rotor health": 12000.0,
        "Tail rotor health": 10000.0,
        "Initial Helicopter speed until it arrives at location": 42.0,
        "Helicopter max speed (Default = 42)": 42.0,
        "Distance from target when orbiting (Default = 75)": 75.0,
        "Max orbit duration when Helicopter arrives at location (Default = 30)": 30.0,
        "Helicopter max rotation speed SCALE (Default = 1.0)": 1.0,
        "Number of crates to spawn": 15,
        "Number of locked hackable crates to spawn": 0,
        "Hack time for locked crate (seconds)": 900.0,
        "Locked crate despawn time (seconds)": 7200.0,
        "Bullet damage (Default = 20)": 30.0,
        "Bullet speed (Default = 250)": 300,
        "Gun fire rate (Default = 0.125)": 0.125,
        "Gun burst length (Default = 3)": 3.0,
        "Time between bursts (Default = 3)": 3.0,
        "New target detection range (Default = 150)": 150.0,
        "Max targeting range (Default = 300)": 320.0,
        "Weapon accuracy % (1 to 100)": 60.0,
        "Max number of rockets to fire (Default = 12)": 12,
        "Time between rockets (Default = 0.2)": 0.2,
        "Rocket damage scale (Default = 1.0)": 1.0,
        "Napalm chance (Default = 0.75)": 0.75,
        "Orbit Strafe chance (Default = 0.4)": 0.4,
        "Number of rockets to fire during orbit strafe (Default = 12)": 12,
        "Minimum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = -3)": -3,
        "Maximum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = 24)": 24,
        "Despawn timer": 1800.0,
        "Only owner can damage (and team if enabled)": false,
        "Allow Helicopter to target other players": true,
        "Block damage to calling players bases": false,
        "Block damage to other players bases": true,
        "Block damage to other players": false,
        "Block damage ALWAYS to entities in the protected prefab list": false,
        "Disable Heli gibs": false,
        "Gibs too hot to mine time (Seconds)": 600.0,
        "Health of gibs (more health = more resources)": 1000.0,
        "Lock mining gibs to owner": true,
        "Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)": 300.0,
        "Disable fire on crates": true,
        "Crate fire duration (seconds)": 300.0,
        "Lock looting crates to owner": true,
        "Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)": 300.0,
        "Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 2000.0,
        "XP issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 1000.0,
        "Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 2000,
        "Custom reward amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 1000,
        "Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)": 200.0,
        "BotReSpawn profile to spawn at crash site (leave blank for not using)": "",
        "Loot Options": {
          "Use custom loot table to override crate loot": false,
          "Minimum number loot items in crate (0 - 12)": 4,
          "Maximum number loot items in crate (0 - 12)": 8,
          "Allow duplication of loot items": false,
          "Maximum number of BPs in each crate": 2,
          "Custom loot table": [




Heli speed is normal which is strange, it’s usually high speed that makes this happen. How often does it happen or was it a one off?



it happen after new update , and keep happen sometimes , so i need reload plugin everytime happen



Using a custom map ?




Generate map by Rustmap not the custom



Does this happen during the middle of a heli fight, or when it first spawns?



it happen during the middle of a heli fight , is it possible map faulty?



4 hours ago, ZDEN said:

it happen during the middle of a heli fight , is it possible map faulty?

I don’t think so, Facepunch have made a lot of changes to the patrol heli recently, even some minor changes which have appeared which have affected normal behaviour I was used to and new variables/settings.

You are not the only person having this issue, but not everyone is. I have a couple of ideas on how to fix it, when I can get to sit down at my computer. Work is so busy atm, I’m finding it harder and harder to get seat time at my PC 😫

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is okey no rush 😄 i can wait for it 



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