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Confused about Prestige

Closed 1.5.0



 Confused what I write here        "Permissions [name : perm]": {
          "Your perm title": "yourperm.use"

Can you write me an example for name : perm ?? its ver confusing how do I implement

and here?? "<color=#{0}>[Pr.{1}]</color>",

do i make it like? "<color=#d109ec>[Pr.{1}]</color>",

 "Prestige settings": {
    "Allow players to reset their progresss and gain Prestige levels?": true,
    "Ignore the level reward bonuses if the player has prestige levels?": false,
    "Remove players from lower level prestige groups?": true,
    "Run reset commands for level rewards when the player prestiges?": false,
    "Show the prestige button before the player achieves the level? (they won't be able to accept the rank up until max level)": true,
    "Prestige levels": {
      "1": {
        "Permissions [name : perm]": {
          "Your perm title": "yourperm.use"
        "Additional benefits descriptions": [],
        "Format for BetterChat title showing the prestige level. {0} is the colour value and {1} is the player prestige value": "<color=#{0}>[Pr.{1}]</color>",
        "Colour for BetterChat xp titles": "d109ec",
        "Skin ID that will be displayed when ranking up": 3165843865,
        "Rank title": "Prestige Rank 1"




in that part there... nowhere in the code do i see a place to specify what prestige.respec.1 is.. or where to set it's value....neither do i see where prestige.xploss.1 is... this is what i'm talking about... i understand the rest... i dont understand where you specify these values to put under the prestige area.... or like... for instance.. how to make the MyMiniCopter command a prestige thing...





Those are permissions that were created further up in the config. The config allows for custom perms to be created for xp gain, skill point cap, xp loss reduction, starting points etc. I simply create perms in those config options and then add those newly created perms as rewards for prestige.



 Yeah, that's the part i'm confused about on how to create those... it wasnt shown in the video.




in that part there... nowhere in the code do i see a place to specify what prestige.respec.1 is.. or where to set it's value....neither do i see where prestige.xploss.1 is... this is what i'm talking about... i understand the rest... i dont understand where you specify these values to put under the prestige area.... or like... for instance.. how to make the MyMiniCopter command a prestige thing...





The beginning of the config section on the first video covers it. You can extrapolate this to other permission based overrides in the config as there are a few of them.


You essentially create your own permission like I have with vip and nolimit, but you call it whatever you want like prestige.respec.1. It will register the permission and you can then use that permission inside of prestige (be sure to prefix the permission with skilltree. if its a skill tree permission.




if i'm being honest man... all i need to see... is a good example of making a new permission.. and how to assign stuff to it... like.. if i made a random permission called skilltree.scrapmultiplier  how do i make that permission ? and how do you make it so that permission actually makes their scrap harvesting x2?




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