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loot is bugged

Can't Reproduce 1.2.16


Posted (edited)

only hackable crates drop from helis now, not elite crates drop.. Going by players. I am testing this and so far nightmare heli only drops hackable crates.

Edit - looks like everything is fine but, but at one stage the loot was bugged. After my server restarted it kinda fixed things. But will let you know if this happens again.

Edited by rustmmopve

Posted (edited)

Update again the loot is not dropping elite crates.. please help why this is happening.. Also when you kill a heli it random flies away then blows up instead of it blowing up where you killed it. Seems like this update has made things worse.

Edited by rustmmopve


The Heli will only drop hackable crates if you have it configured that way. Otherwise it drops Heli crates, unless you have the number set to zero.

Heli flies to nearest monument when it is going to crash, this is from the latest Facepunch update. There is a server convar to disable this behaviour "patrolhelicopterai.monument_crash"

I urge any server owner to read the Rust devblog to know exactly what they change every update, this is so important and would answer a lot of questions before support is needed in a lot of cases. 👍🏻



It's been configured so players get hackable crates + regular crates which is on my config and hasn't been changed for a long time, it seems like since the new updates it has messed up the loot where crates don't fall from the heli, only hackable crates, and players have complained a lot about this..


Posted (edited)

Sometimes crates fall through the map, this is an issue that affects vanilla helicopter also for some time, nothing to do with my plugin. If you see messages in the console like this:


this means the crates have fallen through the map and are destroyed.

Heli crate spawn is not handled by my plugin, my plugin simply tells the game how many crates the Heli should drop. If there is an issue, it can’t be with my plugin because when each Heli spawns it is told how many crates to drop when destroyed. Check your config and make sure you do t have zero crates set on some Helis. Otherwise I have no answers for you.

im currently out of the country on holiday so I won’t be looking at issues until I return in a few days.

Edited by ZEODE


My config is set right, like I said it wax working fine until updated happened. So many players are complaining.. So how do they all of a sudden fall through the map?? I don't know what to do if you can't help as this plugin is a big part of my server, same with bradley drops which I am still waiting on updates for this:/


Posted (edited)

From my last post:

"im currently out of the country on holiday so I won’t be looking at issues until I return in a few days."

Edited by ZEODE

Posted (edited)

Upload your config file please

Edited by ZEODE


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