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Closed 3.1.15



I installed this again today after not using it for a while. It worked fine for a bit but now when I try to turn on admin, I can't move until I toggle it off and this error appears in the console:

Config file:


04/17 16:15:27 | Failed to run command '/admin' on plugin 'CoreLevel'. (IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.)
at Oxide.Plugins.AdminToggle+AdminOutfit.Set (BasePlayer player) [0x000f9] in <e1074894c08f46f5b4b79373e37e087d>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.AdminToggle+CoreLevel.Set (BasePlayer player, System.String command, System.String reason, XLIB.PLAYER+AuthLevel+LevelType authLevel, Oxide.Plugins.AdminToggle+ConfigData+Modes targetMode, BasePlayer targetPlayer, System.Boolean QuickUnload, Oxide.Plugins.AdminToggle+ConfigData+Modes OnRevokeMode) [0x009e2] in <e1074894c08f46f5b4b79373e37e087d>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.AdminToggle+CoreLevel.Toggle (BasePlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00363] in <e1074894c08f46f5b4b79373e37e087d>:0
at Oxide.Game.Rust.Libraries.Command+ChatCommand.HandleCommand (BasePlayer sender, System.String name, System.String[] args) [0x0001b] in <06a141dbda084295904b7837b87e530d>:0
at Oxide.Game.Rust.Libraries.Command.HandleChatCommand (BasePlayer sender, System.String name, System.String[] args) [0x00015] in <06a141dbda084295904b7837b87e530d>:0
at Oxide.Game.Rust.RustCore.TryRunPlayerCommand (BasePlayer basePlayer, System.String message, System.String commandPrefix) [0x000c2] in <06a141dbda084295904b7837b87e530d>:0
  "MODES": [
      "Permission": "admin",
      "Priority": 999,
      "Master Level CAREFUL! (Enabling this does the following #Overrides priority, mode & permission system! #Allows to set/get modes for yourself or others! #Overrides limitations by current or lower modes": false,
      "Toggle Commands": [
      "Restrict Mode To Specfic SteamIds (Leave blank to disable)": [],
      "Settings": {
        "On Admin": {
          "Require Reason": false,
          "Autorun Commands Use Forward Slash '/' For Chat-Commands & Leave It Blank For Console-Commands": [],
          "Toggle Groups To Grant (Leave blank to disable)": [],
          "Specified Auth Level (1 = moderators, 2 = owners) Must either be 1 or 2 cannot be below or above": 2,
          "Keep Separate Inventories": true,
          "Teleport Back Upon Exiting": true,
          "Revert On Disconnect, Restart, Reload": true,
          "Ignore Server Violations (Bans, Kicks Etc) (Recommended to keep true)": true,
          "Blocked Commands": [],
          "Name Prefix Changes your name to a set prefix (Leave blank to disable)": "",
          "Admin Outfit": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Lock Outfit": false,
            "Settings": {
              "(Shortnam::SkinID)": [
          "Notifications": {
            "Global Chat": {
              "Enabled": false,
              "Settings": {
                "Chat Icon (SteamID64)": 0,
                "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19",
                "Text Message": "%{player.name}% Activated %{mode.permission}% Mode"
            "Self Chat": {
              "Enabled": true,
              "Settings": {
                "Chat Icon (SteamID64)": 0,
                "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19",
                "Text Message": "%You% Activated %{mode.permission}% Mode"
            "Self Popup": {
              "Enabled": false,
              "Settings": {
                "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19",
                "Text Message": "%You% Activated %{mode.permission}% Mode"
            "Self Sound": {
              "Enabled": false,
              "Settings": {
                "Sound (Prefab)": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/eggpickup.prefab"
            "Discord": {
              "Enabled": false,
              "Settings": {
                "Webhook": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks",
                "Embed Color": 3315400
          "Interface": {
            "Button": {
              "Enabled": true,
              "Settings": {
                "Opacity (0.0 to 1.0)": 0.64,
                "Active Color (HEX)": "#008000",
                "Inactive Color (HEX)": "#800000",
                "Active Text": "Activated",
                "Inactive Text": "Disabled",
                "Active Text Color (HEX)": "#ffffff",
                "Inactive Text Color (HEX)": "#ffffff",
                "Design (Advanced)": {
                  "Anchor": {
                    "Min Width (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5,
                    "Min Height (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.0,
                    "Max Width (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5,
                    "Max Height (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.0
                  "Offset": {
                    "Min Width (pixels)": 0,
                    "Min Height (pixels)": 0,
                    "Max Width (pixels)": 60,
                    "Max Height (pixels)": 60,
                    "Offset Points (Relative To Offset)": {
                      "Top (pixels)": 0,
                      "Bottom (pixels)": 18,
                      "Left (pixels)": 0,
                      "Right (pixels)": 263
            "Panel": {
              "Enabled": true,
              "Settings": {
                "Text": "A D M I N   M O D E      A C T I V A T E D",
                "Text Color (HEX)": "#ffffff",
                "Pulse Duration ": 1.0,
                "Design (Advanced)": {
                  "Anchor": {
                    "Min Width (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5,
                    "Min Height (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.0,
                    "Max Width (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5,
                    "Max Height (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.0
                  "Offset": {
                    "Min Width (pixels)": 0,
                    "Min Height (pixels)": 0,
                    "Max Width (pixels)": 380,
                    "Max Height (pixels)": 20,
                    "Offset Points (Relative To Offset)": {
                      "Top (pixels)": 0,
                      "Bottom (pixels)": 82,
                      "Left (pixels)": 0,
                      "Right (pixels)": 200
            "Menu": {
              "Enabled": true,
              "Settings": {
                "Opacity (0.0 to 1.0)": 0.64,
                "Not Found Color (HEX)": "#000000",
                "Active Color (HEX)": "#008000",
                "Inactive Color (HEX)": "#800000",
                "Text Color (HEX)": "#ffffff",
                "Design (Advanced)": {
                  "Anchor": {
                    "Min Width (0.0 - 1.0)": 1.0,
                    "Min Height (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.0,
                    "Max Width (0.0 - 1.0)": 1.0,
                    "Max Height (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.0
                  "Offset": {
                    "Min Width (pixels)": 0,
                    "Min Height (pixels)": 0,
                    "Max Width (pixels)": 180,
                    "Max Height (pixels)": 81,
                    "Offset Points (Relative To Offset)": {
                      "Top (pixels)": 0,
                      "Bottom (pixels)": 16,
                      "Left (pixels)": 0,
                      "Right (pixels)": 392
          "Actions": {
            "Allow All Actions (Overrides Specfic Actions)": true,
            "Allow Specfic Actions": {
              "Can Build": false,
              "Can Craft": false,
              "Can Loot Players": false,
              "Can Loot Entities": false,
              "Can Damage Structures": false,
              "Can Interact With Items In Weapons Category": false,
              "Can Hurt Players": false,
              "Can Drop Items": false
          "Third-Party Plugins": {
            "Autorun Plugins": {
              "Autorun All": false,
              "Autorun Specfic": {
                "AdminRadar": false,
                "Vanish": false,
                "Godmode": false
            "Blocked Plugins": {
              "Block All": false,
              "Block Specfic": {
                "Backpacks": false,
                "AdminRadar": false,
                "Vanish": false,
                "Godmode": false
        "On Player": {
          "Autorun Commands Use Forward Slash '/' For Chat-Commands & Leave It Blank For Console-Commands": [],
          "Toggle Groups To Revoke (Leave blank to disable)": [],
          "Notifications": {
            "Global Chat": {
              "Enabled": false,
              "Settings": {
                "Chat Icon (SteamID64)": 0,
                "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19",
                "Text Message": "%{player.name}% Returned To %Player% Mode"
            "Self Chat": {
              "Enabled": true,
              "Settings": {
                "Chat Icon (SteamID64)": 0,
                "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19",
                "Text Message": "%You% Returned To %Player% Mode"
            "Self Popup": {
              "Enabled": false,
              "Settings": {
                "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19",
                "Text Message": "%You% Returned To %Player% Mode"
            "Self Sound": {
              "Enabled": false,
              "Settings": {
                "Sound (Prefab)": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/eggpickup.prefab"
            "Discord": {
              "Enabled": false,
              "Settings": {
                "Webhook": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks",
                "Embed Color": 3315400
          "Blocked Commands": [
          "Third-Party Plugins": {
            "Blocked Plugins": {
              "Block All": true,
              "Block Specfic": {
                "AdminRadar": false,
                "Vanish": false,
                "Godmode": false




This may have happened because of the extra inventory Items I gave to admins. I removed those and it seems to be working fine now.



You have to follow the data format it says when adding custom items 

USE ::




Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed



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