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I have created a kit in the plugin, named "Steam Group" with the required permission kits.steamgroup.

Then, I created an Oxide group called steamgroup and gave permissions to this group to access the kits.steamgroup kit using /perms.

All settings in the config are true. The Steam URL is correct; I even tested joining and leaving the Steam group, but somehow the Steam scan does not successfully recognize and grant the kit I created. I also tried the /checksteam command, but there was no improvement.

Could you help me figure out what might be going wrong?


Posted (edited)

Hello, is the Oxide Group 'steamgroup' assigned to you? What if you disable permission in the config and assign the permission to the group?

oxide.grant group steamgroup kits.steamgroup

Which kit system do you use for your server?

I've just tried it out with a kit on our end, and it works perfectly. If the user isn't part of the "SteamGroup," the kit won't be displayed to them. However, if the user is in the group, the kit will be displayed.
I would also recommend activating only one kit per user, as otherwise, misuse could occur.


Edited by DeutscherRitterPlatz


Thank you for your quick response.
I've created a private steam kit in the standard Rust Kits (umod k1lly0u).
However, I haven't been able to successfully grant this kit to members of the steam group.
Can you provide a brief step-by-step guide on what I need to do?
f you add it to the page of your plugin, it could be useful for everyone. 



Posted (edited)

After testing the Umod Kits system, I can confirm that it works flawlessly, both with group assignments and permissions.

Here's how to create a kit and assign it to a group (assuming your admin group has the "kits.admin" permission):

Step 1:
Create a kit using "/kit", for example, name it "steamgroup".
Kit Details:
- Name: steamgroup
Usage Authority:
- Permission: kits.steamgroup
Usage Details:
- Maximum Uses: 1

If you already have all the items in your inventory that the user should receive, you can simply click "Copy From Inventory" and then "Save Kit".

The kit has been successfully created. Since the admin group has the "kits.admin" permission, the kit will be permanently visible.
Therefore, I recommend temporarily removing the permission from the admin group after creation.

Now, it depends on whether you're using Oxide or Carbon and whether you want to assign the permission to a player only or to a group.

If you want to assign a group to a player (let's assume your group is named "steamgroup"), simply add the "kits.steamgroup" permission to the group under "/perms".
Alternatively, you can enter oxide.grant group steamgroup kits.steamgroup in the F1 console or Rcon console if you're using Oxide.
If you're using Carbon, use c.grant group steamgroup kits.steamgroup

If you only want to assign the permission to a player, simply add the "kits.steamgroup" permission to the SteamGroupCheck plugin's configuration file.
To check, simply change your SteamGroup profile URL to 123, reload the plugin, and type "/checksteam" in the chat.

This will remove all group or permission assignments.
Then, assign your group again, reload the plugin, and execute the /checksteam command again.
Now, the group or permission will be assigned, and you will see the kit under "/kit".
Since you've set the maximum usage to 1, the user can only claim the kit once per month.
Make sure to delete the data where the limit is stored when wiping.

I recommend keeping the maximum usage at 1 to prevent potential abuse.


Edited by DeutscherRitterPlatz


I tried to set up this plugin for the third time today but was unsuccessful.

I created a kit named STEAMGROUP from the kit plugin on Umod and restricted this kit with a 1 limit and assigned the kits.steamgroup permission. THEN I created a user group named STEAMGROUP in OXIDE. Then I gave the kits.steamgroup permission to this user group. So when I manually assign myself to this group, the kit can be taken.

  "SteamGroupPROFILURL": "https://steamcommunity.com/groups/xrustco",
  "GroupName": "STEAMGROUP",
  "AutoCreateGroup": false,
  "NotifyGroupPlayers": true,
  "NotifyPermPlayers": true,
  "EnableAddGroup": true,
  "EnableAddPerm": true,
  "EnablePlayerDisconnectedCheck": true,
  "EnablePlayerConnectedCheck": true,
  "EnableConsoleNotifications": true,
  "ChatPrefix": "<size=12><color=#AE3624>TEST</color> <size=16>|</size> <color=#738D45>[SteamGroupCheck]</color>\n",
  "PermName": "kits.steamgroup"

I logged out of the admin account, logged into the backup account, left the group, and then entered the game.
When I checked the /kit section, the kit named STEAMGROUP was asking for permission.
Then I joined the group with this backup account.
I typed your command "checksteam" into the console, and it said:
(01:51:58) | [SteamGroupCheck] All players have been checked!

However, I still couldn't get the kit; it didn't add me to the group.

I would be very grateful if you could help me understand what I did wrong. Good luck.



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