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Error compiling

Closed 1.0.5

wsad 920NW
wsad 920NW

Posted (edited)

Plugin doesn't seem to compile.

28/03 14:00:38 | Error while compiling AdvancedResearching: The name 'OnEntitySpawned' does not exist in the current context | Line: 286, Pos: 36

Edit, never mind it seems I had an old version, it's compiling now. 

Also I have a request, would it be possible to add seperate currencies for the tech tree and research table?

Edited by wsad 920NW


Okie, so i guess I could separate the currencies for the research table & tech-tree so you could set them to be different but it would require a feature update and the config may or may not update properly which means you may have to redo it. 

Knowing this, would you still want the feature update? 

wsad 920NW

Posted (edited)

Sorry for the late reply, been madness at work the last couple of days.
If you could that would be awesome man, Definitely would be very handy for me, not a problem to re-do the config as I have only just started using the plugin alongside another which is causing me conflicts between the two on occasions. 

Would it also be possible to add a Ui element overlay on the scrap cost to overlay with whichever currency is used. I.E. If I were to use Paper reskinned as cash, it would display that custom skin image with the correct price included too.


Edited by wsad 920NW


add me on discord i have a feature update prepared for you to try out. 


@ khan8615



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