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No delay in protection when setting

Closed 3.4.3 3.4.4



It appears it doesnt set a timer of 15 minutes when the player logs off.


So basically you get immidiantely protected if you have 100 % offline protection.


    "Protection levels": [
        "Rank": 1,
        "Online protection percentage (0-100)": 1.0,
        "Offline protection percentage (0-100)": 100.0,
        "Hourly cost per authorized player": 0.0,
        "Hourly cost per floor": 0.0,
        "Hourly base cost": 10.0,
        "Cost per damage protected": 0.0,
        "Max protection time (hours)": 24,
        "Delay for offline protection (seconds)": 900,
        "Delay after taking damage (seconds)": 10,
        "Damage resets timer when owner is offline": true,
        "Allow tugboat protection": true,
        "Founder Limit": null



Unfortunately I wont be around this weekend to troubleshoot this, but I will do that when I return.

A couple things you can try in the meantime:

- 15 minutes is a long time. If the server restarts or the plugin is reloaded at any point during that timer, then the timer will be lost and it will instantly grant the protection. 

- That being said, I would recommend trying a smaller amount of time first, like 10 seconds, just to see if that works. That info may help me figure out the problem faster when I return.

- (optional) to provide even more info, you could enable logging in the config and take note of the ID of a tc and send me the log file of that TC. You should be able to see in the log file when the timer has started and when it completes ( and should tell you the reason why). There's instructions on logging in the plugin doc.



Is it not possible to write that timer to data ? and get the time from here instead of running this timer ? i will see what i can find. thanks



Its certainly possible, the plugin just does not currently work that way.

mark bergervoet

Posted (edited)

I have same problem

with the timers

they dont work

i have set dammage delay on 30 min and player goes offline mid raid and protected

can you take a look to this?

my players are complaining about it

Edited by mark bergervoet


Yes, I am away this weekend unfortunately, but I have started to look into it. I'll update you guys when I have something to test



I have a fix in the works... but its going to require a lot of testing before getting posted. I can DM you guys a version if you want to try it.

mark bergervoet

Posted (edited)

Yes you can 

i will test it with my players


Edited by mark bergervoet


Okay, I will DM you later today.



unfortunately i have the same problem, no matter how i set the timer, the protection is there as soon as the player goes offline, is there already a final solution?

Otherwise I would also be interested in the test file



Should be fixed in 3.4.4



Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 3.4.4



nah its not fixed for me.... no and about timer, short time is no point to set at all... players abuse onlide raid income, if player start to raid, thet dude just run offline to get 100% protection, so i want make minimum 3600 seconds delay to prevent it abusing



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