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Fixed v1.2.2 v1.2.2



While I appreciate you learning tracks, to charge me $27 for this map... that is what I would expect to pay for a premium map. I don't think the map you are offering is worth $27 with the current track / train network. If you want to learn tracks and trains.. I would suggest you do it on your own time and money, I bought this map with high expectations but to only be disappointed. Can you please refund me?

Ionut Shiro


I don't see how a refund applies on this map as the train system  is fully functional , you can clearly see the tracks in the pictures and in the video 

Ionut Shiro


Also you did not pay 27 as you bought the map during sale fyi



Sorry you are correct, I paid $22.95... money wasted on something that I don't consider good enough to use.

Fully functional? hardly!?.. I have provided numerous pictures of tracks that don't allow a train to ride/pass or maneuver.  

I am sorry you think this map is worth anything, the train network is appalling to say the least and if I was the creator I would have put more time into the details.


Can you please provide a refund?


Ionut Shiro


As i mentioned in your 3rd support request that you opened , download latest version because i closed your other support request because all connections you mentioned above have been done.




I have downloaded the latest version and again supplied multiple pictures and co-ordinates of tracks problems, I no long have the patience to deal with this armature work and wish a refund please so I can continue to find a working map.


Thank you

Ionut Shiro


As i mentioned twice already , the connection issues you mentioned have been fixed in the latest map version V1.2.2 , you were clearly dissecating the wrong map in editor cause you had opened V1.2.1 

I cannot refund you as the map is working as intended and you clearly already opened and probably took anything you needed from it.Screenshot_9.png.9f7fddb9694714d0343ac0f1695bc68c.png

The train system is working and it's been tested , you seen the train system in the pictures and video so you knew what you were buying even if some bits were "wobbly" like a carousel  , those bits will be refined in the future as they are not game breaking and do not interfere with the gameplay or usage of plugins on the train tracks , but as i said couple of times already the train system is working so you have no grounds for a refund at all.

And once again use the right version as you were having the wrong one open in editor and i assume so you did on your server.

Ionut Shiro


Also me learning is no grounds for a refund , we learn every day with every map , monument and prefab , you opening the map made you learn something new about how to make maps i assume .

I do understand that my work might not be equal to the works of a big team who makes amazing custom maps but i am a one man army , i make everything my own and in editor without world creator or whatsoever , therefore the price of 27  i find fair given the work i put on the terrain work and even the rail system as it is now imperfect if you find it so , if you wanted a "premium map" you would have went for something more expensive instead you went for a 22.95$ map for which i still find a very good deal given the amount of work that's been put into it.

Out of all customers here and on another place for this map you have been the only one to have a say about it so far.

Ionut Shiro


Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins

Changed Fixed In to v1.2.2



I have downloaded the latest version and again supplied multiple pictures and co-ordinates of tracks problems, I no long have the patience to deal with this amateur work and wish a refund please so I can continue to find a working map. The version you saw me editing was me trying to fix your rail  problems, I then loaded your new map version and sent you a series of pictures showing you what is still broken.


Never mind, lesson learned.. not to buy your work


Thank you



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