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Closed 1.0.8


Posted (edited)


The idea of the plugin is nice, but I think some config options and more settings are missing for better gameplay.

The suggestions:

1. Option to set the damage for each missle (the current option "Damage scale" is okay but what's the point if it can't even destroy some twig buildings?)

2. Option to set the speed of the F15.

3. Improve the "Attack accuracy", I understand only after many tests that I need to lower the numbers for better accuracy.

4. Add an option in the config to set how many missiles per F15.

5. The cooldown time seems not working, I set it to 10 seconds but even after triggering 3 supplies, it's still without any cooldown. (Only when keeping it on 1.0 it's working, make that the cooldown will be in seconds that I can choose even 600 seconds)

6. Make an option in config to set how much time the F15 will only get to the map, it can be after 1 minute and then the F15 will arrive.

7. Make options in config to change the 2 commands to what commands that I want for my server.

8. Make an option to do this command: /adminCallF15 like that: /adminCallF15 "player" "number of F15"

9. Change the name of the plugin to something else, there is already a plugin on codefling that is named like this and if some plugin owners will have these two plugins It's not gonna be possible to run both.

10. Option in config to change the name of the Supply F15 Airstrike and even the skin ID.

11. an option to change all the chat messages in the plugin in a lang file.

12. an option in config to set how many F15 will arrive on the map from one supply airstrike.

13. an option in config to disable that if an airstrike will kill players, it will not count as you killed them. because when the airstrike is damaging some players, it's like you hit them.

These are all the things that I had to publish to improve the plugin. Thanks! 

Edited by BLAZ15


Hey there!

1 - default mlrs are used here, and the damage from them is default, but mlrs missiles have this peculiarity: they do not always reach the ground, so damage to buildings does not always occur. If I understand correctly what you are talking about

3 - this setting is already there. Also, MLRS missiles do not always reach the target, this is their feature

4 - you can adjust this using this setting - "Rate of fire"

5 - I checked, it works fine. Am I correct that you can drop three supplies in a row even if the cooldown is set to 10 seconds?

9 - As far as I know, my plugin appeared earlier. Perhaps you need to rename other similar plugins

2,6,7,8,10,11,12,13 - thanks for the suggestions to improve my plugin, maybe I'll add it later



did you solve the cooldown problem?



Yeah, in the end, I had to do 60.0 and not just 60. so now it's working, in addition to all the other features that didn't work. Thanks



Is something else not working?



No, everything works 



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