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Barrel & Static Entity Dammage

Closed 2.0.2 2.0.4

I'm guessing that weapons need to be listed individually to damage static prefabs like the barrel.  Is there a way to have it default to what would normally work for barrel bashing?  Also, the message that appears when hitting one of these with the wrong tool says something about using explosives, which won't work.  The message should state that a different tool, or which exact tool/tools is/are needed.

You've got a white list, a black list and a list of "Fully Custom Gather System Tools", which is fine and all, but a PITA to set up if all you want is barrel bashing without a lot of work.


Edited by feldspar333

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Do all weapons and tools work for bashing barrels?  Whitelisting everything and blacklisting the exceptions will make it easy to expand the options.

As a related question is the "Tool Damage Dealt Percentage" a percentage of the item's HP or the tool/weapon's damage rating?  If it's the first, I'd suggest making the percentage based on a tool's damage rating/10 (or something similar).

Edited by feldspar333
clarity & grammar

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Only melee damage counts. Each melee weapon.
Tool Damage Dealt Percentage is an percentage of the meteor entity per hit. If you make it 2.0 it would require you to hit the meteor 50 times before it breaks.

Each weapon have different damage properties (blunt/slash etc.) so it won't work properly.

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