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Bradley and helicopters to help bases?

Closed 2.7.9



My players are finding it easy and slightly repetitive to attack some of the harder bases. Is it possible to include Bradleys and helicopters to protect these bases? Also, I am thinking of using EpicLoot plugin - how do I add these new items to the loot table?




I've tried to add bradley before but the pathing proved too difficult given the complexity of the terrain that the bases can spawn on. helicopters would be best suited in its own plugin since thats a complex task as well

I don't think you add EpicLoot into Raidable Bases loot tables. I'm pretty sure that you configure EpicLoot to add the loot when the base spawns instead

have a look at the options. there are several you can modify to make the raids more difficult.

Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage
Bear Traps Are Immune To Timed Explosives
Rearm Bear Traps When Damaged
Explosion Damage Modifier
Boxes Are Invulnerable Until Cupboard Is Destroyed
Allow Friendly Fire
and my favorite, Player Damage To Base Multipliers

beyond this, it's better to create your own complex bases specific to your servers needs. the best way to achieve this is to have your players build them for you. definitely try to keep the size down though. if the base is too large then it will start to tank performance fairly quickly



Hmm do you have any suggestions on how to include a helicopter to patrol the radius of a base? For example, I know that we have the command to spawn a heli to a player's location:


Is there any way to manipulate this command to achieve the task? 



I'm not aware of anything

if you had a plugin that could issue that as a console command from the player then maybe

but the primary issue with this is the players would just exploit it in one of two ways

1. cause the heli to deal free damage to the base, in which case you'd have to enable Block Helicopter Damage To Bases

2. hide securely in the base while fighting the heli, essentially getting a free kill on it. if the base is immune to damage from the above option then there is no risk to the player

I'm not opposed to either idea but 1 and 2 really take the fun out of the idea. what do you think?



I think number 1 is a good idea with the condition that the heli and npc/turrets/sam sites do not target each other. 



ok, no ETA, but I will note it down



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