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Heli Signals

Closed 1.2.3

Good afternoon, I would like to tell you about some bug, specifically this plugin.

My players found a bug that can kill any helicopter in a couple of seconds, which is the lightest, which is the strongest, they don’t say what or how, and I can’t help but find out.

Everything seems to be fine, but they know the points about destruction


my config



Edited by izvekland

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i also have this problem


Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: HeliSignals - True (Boolean), NpcSpawn (False (Boolean))
Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: HeliSignals - True (Boolean), NpcSpawn (False (Boolean))
Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: HeliSignals - True (Boolean), NpcSpawn (False (Boolean))
Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: HeliSignals - True (Boolean), NpcSpawn (False (Boolean))
Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: HeliSignals - True (Boolean), NpcSpawn (False (Boolean))
Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: HeliSignals - True (Boolean), NpcSpawn (False (Boolean))
Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: HeliSignals - True (Boolean), NpcSpawn (False (Boolean))
Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: HeliSignals - True (Boolean), NpcSpawn (False (Boolean))
Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: HeliSignals - True (Boolean), NpcSpawn (False (Boolean))
Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: HeliSignals - True (Boolean), NpcSpawn (False (Boolean))

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Without more info then it's impossible to tell you what might be the cause.

For example, how many people are shooting the helicopter at once? If you have a whole clan shooting a heli and hitting the rotors with M2, then yes, the easiest Heli could easily be taken down in a few seconds.

Your config looks good, and the helicopter inherits these properties from your config when it spawns. Nothing else of the helicopter is changed. Don't forget that if players hit the rotors and are very accurate, the heli dies much quicker. For exmaple, the easy profile is the same as the vanilla helicopter. 10000 HP, but top rotor is 900 HP, and tail rotor is 500 HP. This is normal vanilla Rust values. If players are taking the helis too easily on your server then you could try increasing the values.


The hook conflict is related to TruePVE. My plugin handles damage itself, so has a hook to stop TruePVE handling the damage. This conflicts against the NpcSpan plugin, but each plugin will still work as they are intended. The console message isn't really a problem, just an information message to say its happening, in case it is not intended and you can investigate. It's annoying, but can be ignored.

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