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Protection status message no showing up

Not a Bug 3.4.1


I've added Custom Status Framework (v.1.0.10) and changed the config to use that in Raid Protection, but it doesn't show up when I'm near my TC or use Hammer. Could you please advise how to get that indicator to show up?


Adding configs from both plugins:

  "Position": "top",
  "Offset X": 0,
  "Offset Y": 0,
  "Fast Refresh (negatively impacts performance)": false,
  "Show Console Warnings": false


  "Indicator Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "ShowBalanceDeducted": true,
    "FontSize": 18,
    "AnchorMin": "0.94 0.9",
    "AnchorMax": "0.94 0.9",
    "OffsetMin": "0 0",
    "OffsetMax": "64 64"
  "Custom Status Framework Settings": {
    "Popup Attack Indicator": true,
    "Persistent Status For Owners": true,
    "Persistent Status For Non Owners": false,
    "Popup Status When Hammer Equipped": true
  "Simple Status Settings": {
    "Text Value": "duration",
    "Always Show For Owners": false,
    "Always Show For Non Owners": false,
    "Show When Holding Hammer": true,
    "Show When Attacking": true,
    "Show Balance Bleed When Attacking": true
  "Plugin Integration": {
    "Economics": false,
    "Server Rewards": false,
    "Custom Status Framework": true,
    "Simple Status": false,
    "Notify": false,
    "Clans": false,
    "Abandoned Bases": false,
    "Skill Tree": false



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Based on your settings it should pop up in the top center of the screen when you're holding a hammer or within a building zone. You have to also make sure that the TC has protection time on it. If it's still not working try a different position in the csf config, like vanilla. You may also need to reload both CSF and Raid Protection when making these config changes. I will load up your config first thing in the morning see if I can reproduce the issue.

Ultimately, I will be moving away from using CSF in the future, but the replacement plugin is still in the works... So keep an eye out for that.


Edited by Mr01sam
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