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not hurting

Closed 1.1.11



Bradleys are causing no damage to player at the moment. They work no problem before the rust update. I also use TruePVE but have things all set just like before and still no damage from Bradley.


Posted (edited)

Hi, the Rust update didn't change anything that would cause this. We also use TruePVE on our servers and its functioning correctly. Please post your Bradley Drops config so I can check it at least, but otherwise it is a TruePVE config issue.


The important flags in TruePVE config for Bradley and other NPC is this, make sure your entity group set for NPC looks something like this:

      "name": "npcs",
      "members": "ch47scientists.entity, BradleyAPC, HumanNPC, NPCPlayer, ScientistNPC, TunnelDweller, SimpleShark, UnderwaterDweller, Zombie, ZombieNPC",
      "exclusions": ""

 And then in your rulesets, you should have this:

"npcs can hurt players",


Or if you rather, you can remove BradleyAPC from npc group and create its own group, like:

      "name": "bradley",
      "members": "BradleyAPC",
      "exclusions": ""

 And then in your rulesets, you should have this:

"bradley can hurt players",


Let me know how you get on 🙂

Edited by ZEODE


Have you got a chance to look this over still having the same problem




Please give more info, what changes did you make, what have you tried since?



we've tried multi different setups in the truepve configs. We tried what you said first, then have tried multiple variations. This was our latest try. If i spawn a brad with spawn bradleyapc it does damage no issue, it's just with bradely drops that this is happening.



Posted (edited)

To begin with, your True PVE config is kinda messed up. I think you have a load of incorrect entity types in there.

For example in your npc group, there is no such thing as NPCPlayerApex anymore. Facepunch removed that a long time ago.

Also, in your npcscientist group, where did ALLScientist come from? There is no type known as that, also "scientist" is incorrect, there is no entity which is just called that, all the scientist have different specific names. But ScientistNPC covers all of them, so best to use that, you don't need additional things in there.

In your npcmurderer group you have "Murderer", "NPCMurderer" which don't exist. scarecrow is the correct entity name, or you could just use ScarecrowNPC as the type name. This relates to both the Scarecrow and Mummy NPCs (collectively called scarecrow but with random kit of one or the other).  I don't think Murderers exist anymore, plugins which spawn Murders just use Scientists wearing custom kits and with the breathing noises.


So I think regardless of this issue, you must be or will have issues with your TruePVE config. It needs going through from a fresh default config IMO and setting up again to make sure it's all good. Keep in mind that the order of the rulesets also plays a role in how it works.

I wish I had time to go through it all for you and work it out, but I do not. All I can tell you is, its working fine on ours and many other servers with TruePVE. maybe there will be some help on the TruePVE plugin page and support topics.



Edited by ZEODE


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